Tuesday, March 24, 2015

City Manager's rant answered

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Your anonymous city employee entered  the Commission chambers where I had been seated in my usual place during the ten years I regularly attended Commission meetings, front row left aisle, on the side of the  winning candidate I had supported.

Although Laurence and I were the only ones in the room, this light haired, white woman immediately took it upon herself to tell me, and not Laurence, to move to the back of this totally empty public forum room.

As a non-white or brown person myself I have been referred to by racial slurs regularly from early childhood through adulthood in both Europe and America and I asked her if she was viewing me through the eyes of prejudice, which I believe she was.

If an apology is required from anyone, it is from this nameless City employee, who overstepped her authority and insulted a taxpayer who regularly pays her salary.

Mrs. Dee McNamara


Anonymous said...

This was obviously written by someone else..... anyone else, other than Dee McNamara. Even if only dictated to Larry. Punctuation and proper use of capitalization should give you the first clue.

I thought there was no one else in the room. Now it is her and Larry. And we are to believe her over the lady who felt insulted enough to report the incident?

Lynn Anderson said...

This is AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are innocent until proven guilty.
It is a "He said; she said." PERIOD. End of story.
It is for things such as this that breed law suits.

Manny R said...

I always thought you were an objective person... but then I have come to realize you are very biased... well that's ok in my book... but then that's my book... this is your blog and you let what you want to be published... that's ok... it's yours... but that does not change things at all... the person in question... in my book is a despicable person... that does not change any thing... she is a piece of feces... one that should be flushed down the drain... she attest she is not white, all off the sudden... WOW! I will adjust when it's convenient to me... but that's ok... this is the United States of America... we can express ourselves and it's protected by the constitution or the Bill of Rights... you can correct me, after all I'm a product of immigration... just like your ancestors... except I came with papers... so you can put that in your pipe and smoke it... I dare you post my senseless ranting and raving on you blog... but more than likely you wont... but never the les will probably piss you off... my thoughts

Anonymous said...

If the Lake Worth herald gets enough "corroboration" what can be printed on it's front page about YOU anon at 9:53P.M.?
This was a witch hunt led by city manager Mike Bornstein against a citizen.
I hope the Macnamara's sue the city's ass off,along with Retha Lowe, Scott Maxwell, Loretta Sharpe and Mike Bornstein.

Lynn Anderson said...

Manny--do you believe in the Constitution of the United States? Do you believe in justice and fair play for all? If you answer in the positive, then how can you think it is ok to defame someone on an allegation that CAN NOT BE PROVED? No matter what you believe about this person, the laws are very clear here. She can't be tried and convicted on social media or on blogs. there is a judicial system. Someone should be sued for causing this public assassination.o
s an ad, I have close friends with whom I don't agree on every issue out here. Sometimes they can get me furious. However, everyone has the right to free speech but free speech when it is defamation can be challenged in court.
P.S. Please don't come here and get into name calling. If you only are making a judgment because of what you have read on the other blog or in the Herald, then get the other point of view. The trouble with this country today is that people think they can say anything they damn well please about anyone and it will stick if you say it often enough.
P.S. I am biased. This is an opinion blog. I am a conservative who believes in the Constitution and just basic fairness.

Anonymous said...

The city manager is out of control. He has no place reprimanding a private citizen. And it's amazing that in this case, the person of color is the one being reprimanded. This city manager has to go. This is really the last straw.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that Dee says these types of things all the time, its all over her FB page.

But, who cares, this woman is not an elected official, why is the City Manager or anyone else in power spending any time on this. She's not that important although she likes to think otherwise.

Anonymous said...

The City Manager will go in 11 months.