Sunday, December 11, 2011

Quote of the Day - Allen West

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"You know, we have a saying in the military, you don't receive flak unless you're over the target."

~Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.)

See the video here.


Steve Ellman said...

Two words: military intelligence.

Lynn Anderson said...

One word: Intelligence.

Steve Ellman said...

Two more: Trigger happy.

Lynn Anderson said...

Three words: Keeping America Safe

Actually I put the quote up here because I have been taking some flak from those on the side of Maxwell and firing the CM...firing her because he didn't like her. They don't like my defense of her. Actually, they don't understand that I am defending honesty here--We didn't get that on the 6th.

Anonymous said...

Col. Allen West is great. What about for president? We need strong leadership. He takes all of the flak from liberals who have ruined our country and says that he is the liberals worst nightmare. West is the breath of fresh air Americans are longing for; truth, honesty and not putting up with anymore lies, back-door dealings and unfounded attacks by cheap-shot artists. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz sucks.

Mark A. Parrilla said...

If Congressman Allen West decided to run for President I'd vote republican. I am very proud that he is our Congressman. I admire and respect his dedication to dedicated service to our country as well as his level of integrity. I have had the honor of speaking to him at three of the many many volunteer events where you see him roll up
his sleeves and get to work and He has always been candid and sincere. Allen West for President 2016.

Allen Westingly yours,
Mark A. Parrilla

Anonymous said...

Kudos to your support of West. Now back to Stanton.... I cannot see how you can blame Maxwell. Can you say with a straight face that you did not, at some time, expect Maxwell to make that motion?

He never stated he was willing to give Stanton time to change her ways.

Seems your venom should be aimed at Andy or Pam or both, not Scott.

I have stated it all along that I'm surprised he didn't make the motion at the swearing ceremony.

Lynn Anderson said...

No, Maxwell made the motion to terminate twice before that. He has always hated our transgendered city manager. He never gave a reason...just didn't like her personality. Supposedly she was a bully. Perhaps it takes one to know one. But, he doesn't need a reason. As Varela said to him once, "You are not king, Commissioner Maxwell."

Anonymous said...

".........Actually I put the quote up here because I have been taking some flak from those on the side of Maxwell and firing the CM...firing her because he didn't like her. They don't like my defense of her. Actually, they don't understand that I am defending honesty here--We didn't get that on the 6th."

Pleeeeease, you are not defending honesty, you are defending your hatred toward Maxwell.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Maxwell is king.
Obama was in office when Bin Laden was killed. West was rolling up his sleeves with Parilla. Who is keeping the country safe?

Lynn Anderson said...

Paleeeeeeze--Far from the truth, anonymous, oh courageous one. I happen to like Maxwell. I just don't like the bully traits that he has displayed over and over again towards our city manager and his constant negativity overall regarding the total budget and the casino. In fact, just a few days before this abomination of his, we had lunch together. I don't have lunch with people I hate.

So, continue to make stuff up to suit your support of Scott Maxwell.

Lynn Anderson said...

I should have said, bully Maxwell.

P.S. This thread is about Allen West. Any more comments on Scott Maxwell will not be posted here. Txs.

Lynn Anderson said...

Thanks to a top military, and people with the skills like former Colonel Allen West, we beat Bin Laden--finally.

Anonymous said...

Where was Lt. Col. Allan West when Bush & Company were admittedly not overly concerned with looking for Bin Laden?
Oh that's right he was threatening to kill and firing his gun over the head of an innocent prisoner of war.
What a great american

Lynn Anderson said...

He fired the gun OVER HIS HEAD nit wit. Do you think we have been playing tiddly winks out there with nearly 5,000 of our guys killed?
You liberals slay me. Go get a job.
It is a good thing that he had resolve. Someone else probably would have killed the SOB.

Anonymous said...

"We continue to lose all over the world and have become a 2nd rate power that is only here to support you and your welfare buds." These things of which you speak happened during the previous 8 years of the neo conservative Bush administration. You know those war happy, blood thirsty draft dodgers.
What do want the U.S. to do? Dominate the world by bombing and killing everyone? That makes you and Lynn the idiots superstar.
I have a job, make more than you and Lynn could ever dream to make combined without even excerting much effort. Never took unemployment, welfare, food stamps, nada. Set myself up so I won't even need to depend on social security when I retire. So I won't have to whine for 2 months like Lynn about some stupid $60 assessment then whine for 2 more months when the person that initiated the $60 assessment was terminated.
So I may be an idiot for thinking Allan West is a sociopath that will be exposed for what he really is in due time, but in the reality that's called life, what does that make you and Lynn?

Lynn Anderson said...

Well goody, goody for you. Ain't you lucky in life? I allowed your personal attack here just to show the world that sociopaths come in all shapes and sizes and even with large pocketbooks. So much for intelligent debate.