Wednesday, December 14, 2011

New Commission Looks to Cut more in 2012 Budget

Last night Andy Amoroso was irate that we cut, according to him, 70 employee positions. Mayor Triolo was also uncomfortable especially as the city wants to fund new positions that total $800,000. I think that figure is inaccurate.

Fact: According to discussion during the budget workshops, the City reduced 39 positions. The rest of the positions were either probationary or were vacant positions with no intention of being filled by the City. If you refer to page 43 of the Budget, Table 9, it indicates that 47 positions were eliminated. Since 2008, the city has reduced 261 positions that included police and fire. We eliminated 11 maintenance positions by outsourcing with an approximate savings of $113,000. The Utility department alone saved $935,000 in specific personnel changes.

The commissioners were worried about the level of service, but be reminded that the PBSO's budget was also cut by $1,221,206 cutting 9 men with the level of service not being affected. Just because you cut personnel does not necessarily mean diminished service.

According to our former city manager, "the department heads make their budgets and submit them for my review, modification, ...and approval. The process goes from supervisor, manager, department director, city manager...and commission."

Commissioner Suzanne Mulvehill was 100% right. We saved $1.2 million dollars, not including the Utility, making the city staff "leaner and meaner," using the Vice Mayor's words. Leaner and meaner is the right way to go. We can reduce this budget. We should not be spending money just because it is budgeted or in the Capital Improvement Plan. Delay the unnecessary.

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