Friday, December 30, 2011

Mayor Triolo has article published

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Mayor Pam Triolo submitted a brief article that was featured on the front page of The Lake Worth Herald. The first paragraph says:

Our future is bright here in Lake Worth. While change is never easy for anyone, it is my hope that the decisions being made today will impact our city in a better, more positive way. We have learned that utilizing the method of "do it and then apologize or explain later" has created mistrust and animosity in our community.

Now Mayor, as much as I think you are a pleasant lady, isn't that exactly what you just did after only 4 weeks on the job the night you voted to fire Susan Stanton? Basically, the only difference in what you say and what you actually did has no explanation associated with it.


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call her nice.

Lynn Anderson said...

I believe I used the word "pleasant" to describe the Mayor. She is all of that and quite personable.