Saturday, August 3, 2019

When Kamala was Top Cop

California BUSTED Trying To Hide Public Crime Data That Was DAMAGING To Kamala Harris’s Presidential Hopes

California purged/deleted/archived records (in other words, you can no longer get the information) of the entire time (2011-2017) Kamala Harris was Attorney General for California where she incarcerated 120,000 Blacks and Hispanics.

Read about top cop...

Well, it IS California, after all. Who is surprised.

Read about Kamala... who went to bat for dirty prosecutors.


Anonymous said...

only a racist and bigot can do this and get away with it

Anonymous said...

Kamala doesn't stand a chance, her history of sleeping her way up and her mean resting face cancel her.

Anonymous said...

Good job Kamala, she’d make a decent Vice President