Saturday, August 17, 2019

Epstein death might have been a Homicide

Medical Professor Casts Doubt On Epstein’s Cause Of Death

“The hyoid bone in the neck being fractured and other fractures in the neck, make it more likely, and again, this is a percentage call, more likely that it was a homicide than a suicide,” Siegel said.

Does anyone really believe Epstein committed suicide?



Jimmy said...

"Does anyone really believe Epstein committed suicide?"

Well, the medical examiner does. People who don't have to believe in conspiracy theories to make their lives interesting probably do, too.

Lynn Anderson said...

The medical examiner in NY believes it was suicide. He is one person. He's not God. Epstein's lawyers are doing their own investigation. They don't believe it. It's a matter of getting to the truth just sort of like what crazy Democrats want to do by still investigating obstruction of Justice of Trump. Which one is sillier? One supposed suicide or not believing the Mueller Report? answer: The latter.

Anonymous said...

8:29 believe anything the MSM pounds into your brain. It was called a suicide immediately before any exam, that tells most of us not to believe like sheep.

Jimmy said...

You're right, Lynn. He's a medical examiner. He's one person who went to medical school for years and has probably done hundreds or thousands of autopsies. Just one person.

I'll believe him before I even consider the wild speculation and conspiracy theories of untrained people who have nothing better to do than dream up fiction and post it on the internet.

Lynn Anderson said...

Not God

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I don't care how he died. It isn't going to make a difference to my wallet. Why everyone is concerned about a bunch of law suits that will only benefit a different set of criminals and sex offenders is beyond me. It's just gossip.

People in prison die from nefarious means every day. The good news is, he's dead. This is the kind of drivel that detracts from the important issues.

Lynn Anderson said...

Not everything is about you or your wallet, anonymous at 12:35. I could care less about you and how Epstein's death does or doesn't affect your life.
Yes, people do die from nefarious means in prison and this very well could be one of those times.
What I care about is the simple fact he was in a prison and should have been protected no matter what he supposedly did or did not do. We will now never learn what he knew or who all was really involved.

Lynn Anderson said...

To anonymous who attempted to post her, the fact is--I DON'T LIKE YOU! It's not just Democrats.

Anonymous said...

10.14 it was called a suiide because he had a sheet around his neck