Sunday, August 18, 2019

Antifa - Domestic Terrorists

Antifa Radicals Get Violent At Portland Protest, Attack & Pepper Spray Journalist

Antifa is a fascist domestic terrorist organization and they hate Conservatives. I also think they hate white people. President Trump is considering naming them a domestic terrorist group.

Click here... to see the video of these low lives that local police are doing nothing about.


Anonymous said...

Proud Boys is an FBI-designated extremist group aligned with white nationalist groups. Enrique Tarrio, chairman of the Proud Boys, was greeted by members of the American Guard yesterday after the rally. The American Guard is identified by the ADL as an violent anti-Semite white supremacist organization.

Violence on either side is wrong. But painting the Proud Boys as angels is propaganda and is legitimizing a very dangerous group of individuals that hold anti-American values.

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, let's print the WHOLE THING--FROM WIKIPEDIA--
In late November 2018, a news story which attracted national attention[26] reported that the FBI classified the Proud Boys as an extremist group with ties to white nationalism;[12] however, two weeks later, an FBI official denied that it was their intent to classify the entire group in this manner, and ascribed the mistake to a misunderstanding.[26][27] The official said that their intent was to characterize the possible threat from certain members of the group.[28]

Anonymous said...

The last time I heard that name referred to as a white persons name was Enrico Caruso-the famous Italian opera singer from the beginning of the 20th century, and the spelling is different.

If Enrique Tarrio wants to call himself white, it's fine with me, but lets not let our enthusiasm carry us away.

Anonymous said...

OK. I stand corrected. Unlike you, Lynn, I'm more than happy to admit when I haven't been accurate.

So, to be clear, the group is not considered to be an extremist group by the FBI but certain members are considered to be extremists who associate with white nationalists.

And, yesterday, Tarrio and his group were keeping company with the American Guard, a violent anti-Semite group recognized by the ADL.

I'll repeat, they're not angels. Neither is Antifa. But when you choose to criticize only one of them and ignore the other simply because of your political biases, it's a problem.

Lynn Anderson said...

All of Antifa is a terrorist group.
The Proud Boys is NOT a terrorist group.

Anonymous said...

You don't know anything about Nazis Lynn; you live in a sound bite world.

Lynn Anderson said...

Not responding to ignorant comments.