Friday, August 30, 2019

Burn Bernie, Burn!

Ted Cruz Destroys Bernie, Dem Presidential Candidate, For Propping Up China

"Ted Cruz is on fire recently just dominating Dems on Twitter with facts. This time he went after Bernie Sanders who complimented china for eradicating its poverty problem. Cruz came down on the misplaced comment and burned Bernie in the process."

Read about the Bern...


Anonymous said...

You really can't argue with Bernie on that score. Have you ever read The Good Earth, by Pearl Buck. That would give you some background on what it was like in feudal China.

Also, I am tired of hearing people use the word existential. Nobody knows what it means, yet recently, it is being used constantly. It is a word that came into being with the existential philosophers; e.g. John Paul Sartrt and has to do with the self. When I hear that word used, I know the person really has no idea what they are talking about.

Lynn Anderson said...

I believe that people are responsible for their own actions.

Anonymous said...

Feudal China is gone. We must deal with the reality of today's China.

Anonymous said...

Well, that's what Bernie said 9:42.