Saturday, August 24, 2019

David Koch

No sooner did he pass away from cancer, the Democrats and liberals started their terrible hateful comments towards David Koch. A libertarian, he got on their "hit list" originally for backing the Tea Party and liberals hated him ever since.

Billionaire David Koch Dies; How Leftists Respond Is Absolutely Appalling

During his lifetime, billionaire industrialist and philanthropist David Koch who also was a part-time Palm Beacher, pledged or contributed more than $1.295 billion to medical research, education, arts, and public policy. "With the vast wealth he left behind, his philanthropic legacy will likely continue and grow bigger. As of March 2019, he was ranked as the 11th-richest person in the world, with an estimated net worth of $50.5 billion, [Wikipedia]

Read something nice about David Koch and forget about the left wing media and liberals with their crude and crappy comments


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to you chastising righties when Justice Ginsburg passes and they celebrate.

And you know you won't because you'll be celebrating, too.


Lynn Anderson said...

@5:43--you really are a sick W(b)itch.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see anyone who was a climate change denier leave this earth.

Lynn Anderson said...

@6:40--you grabbed that line from that disgusting liberal whacko, Bill Maher. You Democrats and libs deserve each other...miserable humans.

Anonymous said...

You're right, I did see that Bill Maher said that. I usually try to be more original, but it couldn't be said any better than that.

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:05--KARMA will get ya.

Anonymous said...

"@5:43--you really are a sick W(b)itch."

Prove me wrong, Lynn. You won't say a word against Republicans who will celebrate Ginsburg's passing and the opportunity to fill her seat with a conservative. Like you always do, you will offer some lame excuse "how you can't write about everything here" and you'll delete any comments that remind you of this post.

You've done it dozens of times before. Why would you change?

Lynn Anderson said...

You’re getting me mixed up with some hater. I just don’t like Democrats but I sure don’t wish their demise.

Anonymous said...

The opportunity will be an improvement to the Supreme Court. Ginsberg is extreme and should have retired during Obama's reign; her mistake.

Anonymous said...

5:43 going off subject to create more divisions, Obama's minion.

Anonymous said...

Since there is no age at which the Supreme Court requires its members to step down, your use of the word should is inappropriate.

Rather, you should have used the words could have, in which case, you would have been legally correct, and no one would have argued with you.