Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Tlaib set-Up

Freshmen Dem Proves How Much She Hates Israel

"Freshmen Dems Tlaib and Omar tried to set up a trip where they were going to spread their anti-Israel sentiment in Israel. Israel caught wind of their intentions and blocked them. Tlaib was not done trying to get into Israel as she pulled out a sob story claiming that her grandmother was the real reason she was going. But that quickly fell apart."

They were dealing with someone (Benjamin Netanyahu) 100% smarter than they. And Democrats in Congress are bemoaning the fact that Israel banned them from coming into their country..."oh, how can you treat members of congress like this? Like they are some sort of God. "So disrespectful, they said." LOL

Read about it...

The real winner in all of this? Tlaib's grandmother.

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