Thursday, August 1, 2019

Draining the Swamp

President Trump’s new DNI appointment means 2 things: The Obama/Clinton cabal’s ass is grass and the Ratliffe/Barr combo is a 3-blade bush hog!

"Make no mistake, John Ratliffe did not sign on as President Trump’s new Director of National Intelligence because he wants a cushy desk job and a résumé booster. No, his new position as DNI is all about draining the noxious swamp that was and is the Obama/Clinton deep state."

Read about Ratcliff... at The Powdered Wig.


Lynn Anderson said...

You know of course that he will be approved.
It's too bad that Democrats have NOTHING left...just smart aleck personal attacks. What LOSERS.

Anonymous said...

9:03 you need spellchecker.

Lynn Anderson said...

LOL...we all know who the "ignorant" ones are--You're their leader! Go do a tax return or something...keep sharp.
P.s. How about following policy even if I do "get your goat" all of the time. LOL.

Lynn Anderson said...

To the angry Democrat LOSER who continues to post here (I delete most of your posts)-- stop the swear don't have solutions to anything. You don't bother me one little bit. It's just showing your total ignorance with your name calling...amusing actually because it just shows you can't take the heat. We are winning. You're not. Gotta love that.
Weren't those two Democrat debates pathetic?

Lynn Anderson said...

To: Eat Chit and die-
My answer to you--LOSER
It must be hell being you knowing that the entire Democrat party is going down the tubes. :)

Lynn Anderson said...'re a hoot, a despicable one but still a hoot.
Open your mind to the truth and to the facts.
You are just showing what a LOSER Democrats are.
Just #walkaway.