Monday, April 4, 2016

No Overnight Parking around Perimeter of John Prince Park

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A lot of people simply don't know the law and now we have some of the management in some of the condos on Lake Osborne Drive giving wrong information to owners. To be on a Board of Directors, one of the responsibilities is to familiarize yourself with local and county ordinances. Some buildings have been telling their owners that they can park their 2nd car, trailer or truck on county property all night long.

The property outside the fence belongs to the Park and vehicles are allowed to park there during daylight. PBSO has told us that the County Parks Department must post signs every 100 feet in order for them to write up tickets. The PBSO wants to maintain good relations with the residents of Lake Worth and does not want these parking offenders to be surprised by a ticket.

It took a year to get some signs posted out here but we need more so that the PBSO, District 1, can do its job. Last year there was a condo owner selling cars on county property.  The only place at John Prince Park that you can park overnight is at the campground.

Read the Statute

Sign on Lake Osborne Drive


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this article, Lynn. Hopefully the PBSO will read this. Maybe then their testicles will drop back down into their sacs and they can feel free to do their jobs.Law officers should be familiar with the local ordinances in the areas they are assigned to patrol.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lynn our president just told a renter to park there and I knew it was wrong to do so.

Anonymous said...

PBSO simply needs to enforce the parking ordinances, I'm tired of them giving lame excuse after lame excuse as to why they can't do their jobs. We have parking ordinances and they need to be enforced, the areas don't have to have signage for those ordinances to be enforced. For example, you can't park boat trailers or commercial vehicles overnight in residential areas but PBSO, most of the time, won't write tickets. Why I don 't know, imagine all the money they could collect. Get on the ball.

Anonymous said...

At today's County Meeting they are probably going to pass a new ordinance making it possible to ban certain people for a year, and for repeat offenses up to 5 years. E.g. doping or having sex in the park can get you banned. Just on this morning's news.
I'm all for this, finally some sense legislatively! And I think those who think the solution is to tear down the park just lost that argument.