Monday, April 4, 2016

Watch the Mosques

“You can see this in the lives of the attackers at Charlie Hebdo and at Brussels and the Boston bombers,” he continued. “Even the attackers on 9/11, Muhammad Atta himself. All of them are not united by ISIS, they are not united by Osama bin-Laden or a certain ethnic background or citizenship. All are united by one thing – they are a lost soul looking for salvation and the mosque is showing them the way, spilling their own blood in order to get into heaven and enjoy the 72 virgins.”

At some point, the U.S. will be dealing with the same level of Islamic violence as Europe, where Muslim immigration has been chugging along for about 20 years longer.

Read more... at WND.

“Well, you’re going to have to watch and study the mosques because a lot of talk is going on at the mosques. And from what I heard in the old days, meaning a while ago, we had great surveillance going on in and around mosques in New York City and I understand our mayor totally cut that out. He totally cut it out.”

~ Donald Trump

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