Friday, April 1, 2016

14 S. J Street code complaints

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Two complaints were filed against the property at 14 S. J Street by an anonymous person. We don't know if this person even lives in our city but whoever it is obviously is very "concerned." This is where commissioner Maier rents space for his hair salon, The Other Salon.  He is a target of some political folks in our city who just don't like him just "because" and love to put a little dent in his day.

The first complaint was filed on January 8, 2016, citing the area parking behind the building as out of compliance.  It must be paved per our code. Of course, it has been gravel from the beginning of time but someone had a huge problem with Commissioner Maier parking his car there.

On March 31, the magistrate gave a $50 a day fine for 60 days plus an administrative fee saying that the owner has been unresponsive. The property is in the historic district. Code Officer, Yolanda Robinson, is the very same officer who was involved in commissioner Maier's personal residence last year when a complaint was filed by an out-of-town citizen and a friend of John Szerdi.

That complaint wasn't enough.  I guess the anonymous complainant checked to see if a license was in effect. Another complaint was filed on 02/26/2016.

Both these code complaints are against the owner of the property, not any of the tenants or Commissioner Ryan Maier.


Anonymous said...

I think that is harassment

Anonymous said...

How sad that these bullies now feel free to throw their weight around and terrorize everyone who is not in lock step with their "Haha we just proved we can buy an election with a mere $130,000 of outside money" platform. You know damn well this is once again using "Code Compliance" (and I use the term very loosely) for political punishment. In Germany wasn't this called the SS? Let's be real; this has nothing to do with any legitimate code violation by Ryan. It is once again political punishment by the 3 stooges who will not tolerate any opposing viewpoints to their development dynasty. Soon to take over, what? All of our public parks?? Ryan and Chris will speak out against this crony corruption. So call out the gestapo!!! Hire another stooge from outside of Lake Worth to make the complaint. Stamp out all democracy. After all, didn't the voters (even those not living here)just give us a mandate to represent only wealthy outside interests so we can divvy up all public land for them?

Anonymous said...

I supported Maier when he ran, but I have no problem with folks and neighbors doing there own work to get code to do its jobs.

I agree that the parking area should be paved, this looks junky, we shouldn't have gravel parking areas in our downtown. I also think everyone should play by the rules and be properly licensed.

I don't understand why code can't be proactive but, instead, only seems to respond to complaints. Why this property was allowed to have a gravel parking lot for ages is a mystery to me, I will be glad to see it paved.

Lynn Anderson said...

Not sure if it has to be paved if the owner decides to disallow parking altogether there...don't know the rules.
But, essentially this is off an ally way and there are many more areas just like this in the city. This was one singled out.
There are a lot of considerations involved before the owner would take on a big expense.

Anonymous said...

Give the exact same consideration that the city gave to the Lake Worth Herald to the owner of this property from the time the ordinance was passed to when they have to comply...15 years or something like that?

Anonymous said...

We have lots of alleyways all over the city that are not paved and have never been paved. This certainly smacks of the same bs that had code going after Ryan for magically turning a single family home into a "duplex." I guess he waved his magic wand?? Hocus Pocus it must be true because a nonresident overheard some one at Starbucks say so. So there: and the gavel comes down from Code Compliance? If that isn't the biggest pile of horse hockey, I don't know what is. Meanwhile the fat cat rich b_tches can play ping pong with whatever code and law violations they want. Illegal banners, secret meetings, selling off deeded property. This is what happens when those in charge no longer have to play by the same rules. And does anyone know how many illegally voted here using their business addresses as their "home" for purposes of this landslide victory for the government of special interests and private meetings?

Anonymous said...

Muni Code calls for that grassy space behind the building to be paved if it to be used as a parking lot.

If the owner doesn't want to pave it... Then he should put up big heavy chains on pokes to prevent vehicular access, and tow any and all violators.

Lynn Anderson said...

I am rather certain that the owner would take a friendly and business approach to this--not play hardball as this complainant has done.

Louis said...

Time for a code complaint against the garbage can Amoroso creates on a daily basis in front of his store.

He makes our premier street, Lake Avenue, look like a flea market and is in violation of code re number of items that can be displayed on the sidewalk.

Anonymous said...

Who is the mystery blond Maxwell has been seen smooching?

Lynn Anderson said...

Come on guys, it's his dog! Let's not get people excited.

Anonymous said...

How cone the City of Lake Worth has never enforced the Code against the Lake Worth Herald for their non paved parking lot? The Lake Worth Herald just sold their building wonder if the Herald let the Buyer know that the parking lot was in non compliance with the City Code and who will pay for the compliance now? The Lake Worth Herald had a lot to say about Mr. Maier and complained about him. Why would the City let the Herald get by with non compliance for so many years? Guess it couldnt be a pay off?

Anonymous said...

I'm not as you seem to be Lynn at the property owners willingness to do the right thing here... after all it's all about business and saving the owners almighty dollars...

Since 2011 the property owner is Bruce Kodner and his wife Dana Charles who purchased the property for $200,000. Bruce, et al and his assorted properties including the dilapidated historic relic on the corner of J and Lake, and businesses including the Bruce Kodner Galleries on Dixie and 1st are fine examples of a land owner dodging code. Just look at either of these of these two other nearby properties and you can quickly see he/they doesn't give a rats ass about how these buildings look and turns up his nose at our codes. Just look at the huge gallery building fronting Dixie Hwy. It's got cracks all over it, needs to be repaired and painted and there are tacky temporary banners (also against code) hanging in assorted ranges of disrepair.

Bruce and Dana just want to churn cash out of their properties and are disinterested in making them code compliant. They need to pave the parking area behind 14 S J or block it off so no one can park there... of course when you walk down the alley, you quickly notice the cluster of young people with backpacks loitering on the picnic table on the south side of the grassy lot. I guess that's a convenient place to hang out for people who go to the 12 step meetings offered around the corner... still means people loitering, and idle hands are the work of the devil.

I say "PAVE THE DAMN LOT" or prevent anyone from parking there.

Anonymous said...

Amaroso's shop is an eyesore, I'd rather have a sharp Goodwill boutique there with discards from PB.

Anonymous said...

talk about a eye sore--amarosa business is full of crap--thats why he has been saying for yrs he is hardly making it---he is not making it plain and simple

Anonymous said...

Tenants rental space includes the couple of get in front of their shop that abuts the sidewalk, any shop can utilize this space as it is their legal space to use. Whether they want to m display dresses or artwork the shop is allowed to use the space.

Lynn Anderson said...

Anyone can use the spaces in front of the building--they are public spaces. You have to move your car every 4 hours. Parking on J street now is almost impossible.

Anonymous said...

Anyone can file a code complaint, if the lW herald has a parking lot in violation of code, report them. We need to clean up this City one property at a time.

Lynn Anderson said...

The Eastons sold this property on S H street after a million years. Now it is someone else's problem. But the city did allow them to get away with code violations it would seem.