Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Quote of the Day - Naftali Bennett on the Bad Deal

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"The nuclear deal with Iran marked a new dark and sinister era for the world. Twenty years down, if a nuclear bomb explodes in London or New York, we’ll know that we can trace it down to July 14, 2015. We’re preparing for everything we need to do to defend ourselves."

~ Naftali Bennett
  a member of Israel’s Inner Security Cabinet,


Anonymous said...

From what I can gather, it sure seems like a very bad deal. Now the politicians have to study it. That's weird because the Pres says he will veto if they don't agree. Does anyone understand this? Does the President? He's not listening to his high command.

Anonymous said...

It is a bad deal, and he is doing everything he can till he is removed from office to ruin the United States, that was what he meant when he ran on CHANGE, it may be to late to turn it arround. So sad. He has never listened so I dont know why anyone would be surprised.