Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Planned Parenthood selling aborted Baby Parts

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According to WND,  mutilated babies have now entered the presidential race.

Can you even imagine Planned Parenthood selling body parts of aborted unborn babies? And Hillary Clinton gets huge campaign donations from them.

Mike Huckabee told WND, Calling it “grotesque and utterly disturbing, GOP candidate Mike Huckabee told WND, “The apparent selling of aborted body parts by Planned Parenthood is just the latest disturbing news out of the abortion industry.” He added, “This underscores my desire to defund Planned Parenthood, as I have pledged to do in my ‘Pledge to the People.‘ The sanctity of every human life, both born and unborn, is a value we must always fight for.” Click on WND link above to read the article.


Weetha Peebull said...

Yep - Roe v Wade made the 'parts' cheaper!
No more imports but a stateside supply - ugh!
An intended consequence from some sick puppies!

Anonymous said...

How disgusting to hear the suppose to be Doctor talk about these little babies, this way. I was never in favor of stem sell but I know it can help many people but this is sickening.