Monday, June 1, 2015

Palm Beach County Candidates for Sheriff

Running against Sheriff Ric Bradshaw:

Major Alexander Freeman

District 1 Commander, Riviera Beach

In 2003, Major Freeman was promoted to the rank of Sergeant of Police. As a Sergeant of Police, Major Freeman worked as a road patrol supervisor. In addition, Major Freeman served as Communications Supervisor and Internal Affairs.

In 2006, Major Freeman was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. As a Lieutenant of Police, he worked in the following capacities: Public Information Officer, District One Administrative Lieutenant, and Lieutenant of Investigations.

Major Freeman currently holds a Bachelors Degree in Public Administration from Barry University. Major Freeman is also a graduate of the 55th Command Officers Development course through the University of Louisville.

Samuel Thompson

2nd Veteran Navy Seal is seeking to bring justice to all the Citizen in Palm Beach by campaign to be the next Sheriff.

"As a Navy Seal I protected our Country.

As a Deputy I took an oath to protect the citizens of Palm Beach County

As the President of Sheriff Union Local# 6002 AFLCIO, International Union affiliated, I fight against the illegal promotion, the illegal termination and equal pay for all employees also better working conditions."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NO WAY would I vote for Alexander Freeman. The Riviera police dept is totally corrupt,like the rest of Riviera Beach.The ONLY way anybody works their way up the ranks in that police dept is to kiss azz and be part of the corrupt power structure. NO WAY would I vote for Alexander Freeman. I would vote for Mr. Samuel Thompson. An ex Navy Seal? That tells me everything I need to know about this guy. I'll be voting for him.