Wednesday, June 3, 2015

"I'm a Black person trapped in a White body"

In an apparent move to satirize former U.S. Olympic champion Bruce Jenner’s transition from male to female, a caller to a national radio program came out on the air Wednesday as a black person trapped in a white man’s body.

“I’m a little nervous ’cause I’ve never come out of the closet in any way before,” said 38-year-old Steve from Chillicothe, Missouri, on the Rush Limbaugh program.

“But I wanted you to know, be the first to know and your audience to know that I am actually an African-American. I’ve been an African-American my entire life. It’s been bottled up inside me, and as of today, I’m no longer going to be Caucasian.”

Read more... about the kook at WND.

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