Thursday, June 4, 2015

Flooding our country with Muslims

Are Democrats really this crazy?

A group of 14 Democrat senators has written a letter to President Obama urging him to “dramatically increase” the number of Syrian refugees being resettled into American cities and towns. They say the U.S. needs to take in at least 65,000 Syrians as permanent refugees over the next year-and-a-half. Of the 843 Syrians resettled in the U.S. since the start of the Syrian civil war, 92 percent have been Muslim and about 7 percent Christian. Syria’s overall population is 90 percent Muslim and close to 10 percent Christian.

Read more... at WND.

With our border unprotected and illegals walking across daily, now we will be inviting refugees here--housing them, feeding them, giving them medical care? There is no way of screening them to know who might be a terrorist...a part of ISIS. It's just a matter of time when we will be attacked, once again, in our own country. 

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