Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Drew Martin is against Obama's Seismic Testing

As we witness another offshore oil-spill tragedy, this one in Santa Barbara, Calif., we realize how the same event could devastate South Florida’s economy.

Right now, the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is seeking to give out permits to permit seismic testing (loud air guns firing noises underwater) to map for offshore oil off Florida’s Atlantic coast. These blasts are extremely loud, and sound moves more quickly under water.

Please read the rest of this OP ed Piece by Lake Worth's Drew Martin that was in today's Palm Beach Post by Clicking here...

Seismic testing is a process whereby an image of the subsurface is created. The data obtained is then used by the oil and gas company to locate the most optimum place to drill for gas. Obama has approved of this. To read about it, Click here

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