At long last. Over three years, we have asked and our demands were finally met...the City will hire an internal auditor. Mr. Marksmeier's interview was awesome--he's young, bright, enthusiastic, and has a sense of humor and that's something we all appreciate. The clincher was his interview and emphasizing our Electric Utility, the black hole, as an important beginning focus.
Lake Worth is lucky to have someone so credentialed in this position: He has his Master's Degree in Accounting and also one in Business and is a Certified Internal Auditor.
Vice Mayor Maxwell will be negotiating his salary. In this case, I hope the City gives Mr. Marksmeier all the incentive he needs to be successful--a high starting salary and our full support.
Both candidates were impressive but this gentleman had the edge! Great and refreshing ideas; an immediate review of ordinance consistency in the charter, listen to the citizens; ‘let me be clear, an internal auditor is not management’. He has experience with utility billing, I T problems and although he understands completely the variety of political dance steps, Mr. Marksmeier does not dance. Bravo!
See how easy that was? Fire Susan Stanton, hire an IA. Now why do you think Stanton stalled for so long on hiring an IA?
As you perfectly well know, the Budget had to be reduced by over $4 mil. It was felt and approved by the city commission to not fund the IA position while they were going through a financial urgency. We had an external auditor. Stanton did NOT stall anything.
Maybe you should have said, He will NOT dance!
We will see if Stanton did or did not do anything wrong.
That she stalled should not be the question.
Absolutely. Let's find out where all the money went BEFORE Stanton got to town.
Its now July 5, 2012: When is the LW Commission going to complete the contract for the Internal Auditor?? Please update the residents on the status. Did Mr. Marksmeier slip through their hands? He is in demand else where FYI.
Scott Maxwell is the one who was appointed to "negotiate. Of course we all know he has a problem in this area--think FMPA settlement. Salary is one of the hang-ups. I don't know what Mr. Marksmeier wants but he should be given something substantial. It should be at least higher and better than he is making right now. Maxwell won't give specifics other than he is working on it and will be meeting again with him soon. This has taken way too long.
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