Sunday, August 11, 2024

USA Olympian Basketball Team stumped for Kamala

All hell broke loose when a reporter prodded a Minnesota coach about Kamala and the Olympics

The in-the-tank media think they can sweep Kamala Harris to victory over Donald Trump by going back to the Biden basement strategy playbook.

They’re counting on low-information voters and celebrity endorsements to rule the day.

But all hell broke loose when a reporter prodded a Minnesota coach about Kamala Harris at the Olympics when team USA Olympians got political over Kamala Harris.

The Olympics is a time for everyone in the country to come together as one with a shared vision and culture, or so we thought. But when you're dealing with Democrats...

Star players and coaches from the WNBA, which has become a far-left activist league, openly backed Harris while representing Team USA.

Read about it...

No surprise as the USA women's basketball team is about the 'gayest' team at the Paris Summer Olympics, with half the players and 2 out coaches all gay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A lot of gays in women's sports now, been that way a long time!