Sunday, August 11, 2024

Let's hope Biden is the last of the BIG spenders

Biden Administration Borrowed $5 Billion Per Day in Fiscal Year 2024

So far in the fiscal year 2024, the federal government has had to borrow about $5 billion every day.

The Congressional Budget Office said Thursday the federal budget deficit was $1.5 trillion for the first 10 months of fiscal year 2024, which covers October through July.

The CBO stated that the $1.5 trillion deficit for the first 10 months of FY 2024 was $103 billion less than the deficit recorded during the same period last fiscal year.

The federal budgeting agency projects the deficit for 2024 will be $2.0 trillion. The deficit for fiscal year 2023 was $1.7 trillion. But the CBO says the differences in the deficits those years could be attributable to budgeting “timing shifts”.

The think tank Truth in Accounting states the real national debt is closer to $156.8 trillion if unfunded Social Security and Medicare promises were included.

And Obama and later Biden were the biggest spenders...deficit-to-GDP ratio. See chart



Anonymous said...

Why do Democrats want to destroy America?

Anonymous said...

They are slaves for Satan, they are just slaves to a higher power, they have no real mind or intellect, we have seen this in biden and mala, they are slaves for Satan.

Anonymous said...

Ironically elected are supposed to be fiscally responsible, but almost all never are, look at all our debt, and they just keep on spending, or giving it away! Disgraceful!