Sunday, August 11, 2024

Bill O'Reilly on Morning America

Capitalism vs Socialism...which do you want?

According to a recent poll, 71% of people don't know Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz enough to have an opinion of him.

Journalist Bill O'Reilly discusses how Walz may affect voters' perceptions of the Harris campaign. O'Reilly says the Harris-Walz ticket attracts voters more than President Joe Biden's campaign ever would.

"You're voting for your vision of the country. If you want the country under the four years of Trump, that's what you'll get. If you vote for the Democrats, you are voting to fundamentally change the entire country. Everything will go Left. You will get DEI; you'll get woke, traditional values evaporate..."

In other words, voting for Harris/Walz is voting for socialism/communism reverting back to the Obama days when his goal was to fundamentally change America. He sure did a lot of harm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a matter of good and bad! God or the devil! Which will you follow? I am walking with Jesus!