Monday, September 4, 2023

RFK, Jr. on the border says "SHUT IT DOWN!"

RFK Gives Epic Rally Cry to Secure the Border – ‘SHUT IT DOWN’

Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy, Jr. met with Gateway Pundit for an interview and showed us that he is no pushover when it comes to securing our border.

GP’s Cara Castronuova asked, “What would you do, as president, differently at the border?”

Kennedy Jr. replied, “I’m going the secure the border. I’m going to do it by, first of all, the physical barriers and the densely populated areas, the motion detectors the video and the towers in the less populated[areas]…we’re going to close it down and all of the law enforcement, local law enforcement, the ICE, the border patrol we talked to all said ‘yes – if we are given permission we can close down these waves of immigrants.”

Read more... RFK, Jr. has the right solution to this open border crises caused by Biden.

This video describes his experience at the border.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Watching the dissolution of my country.

How could this happen?

There must be evil forces at work here, particularly in the media. They want the country to fail.

It happened because we let it happen. Weak stupid people.