Monday, September 4, 2023

Evil Jack Smith, The Democrat Bulldog

Jack Smith Troubled Past and Questionable Legal Tactics Exposed

In November of 2022, President Biden’s U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Jack Smith as special counsel to investigate former President Trump.

Smith is a career prosecutor with a history of questionable legal tactics that have been labeled as politically motivated by critics.

He was involved in the Lois Lerner IRS scandal during Obama’s time at the White House and sought to get the Department of Justice involved in targeting anti-Obama Tea Party groups and other conservative nonprofit organizations.

Jim Jordan has accused Smith of attempting to prosecute innocent Americans who had been targeted by Lerner during the IRS scandal.

In May 2014, the House Oversight Committee asked for Smith’s testimony regarding his involvement with engaging with the IRS. However, he was never held accountable for any wrongdoing but his actions raised questions about how he handled certain cases.

Read more about the Evil One

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