Monday, September 4, 2023

My Tariff Policies Were a Success

Trump Gets His Own Op-Ed Published in WSJ in Response to Its Hit Piece on Him

“Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me.”

That statement alone is the reason former President Donald J. Trump is submerged in indictments. The words of the establishment media haven’t been able to crush Trump, try as they might.

In fact, they are falling down on the job due to President Joe Biden’s own failed policies speaking louder, only magnifying the truth about the former administration and president.

Everyone looking on knows it, except maybe the left-wingers who comprise the 25 percent of Americans in support of Bidenomics.

In a recent Wall Street Journal opinion piece written by the former president himself, Trump called out the Journal’s editorial board for repeating “debunked talking points” about his use of tariffs in an Aug. 24 editorial. []

Read his Op Ed

In case you don't subscribe to the are some condensed excerpts of what he said--

In Trump’s decisive rebuttal, “My Tariff Policies Were a Success,” he took on the fake news directly, unafraid to call out their lies.

“Even after being proven spectacularly and totally wrong in all their past predictions regarding my historically successful trade policies, the die-hard globalists at the editorial board still have not learned their lesson,” he began.

Trump said that under his tariffs, “price increases for consumers were virtually nonexistent and there was effectively no inflation.” He also pointed out that trade deficits with China consistently declined on his watch.

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