Monday, July 8, 2019

U.S. Conference of Mayors

About the 87th Annual Meeting

The United States Conference of Mayors’ 87th Annual Meeting took place June 28-July 1, 2019 in Honolulu, HI. It was presided over by Columbia, SC Mayor Steve Benjamin and was hosted by Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell.

The conference took place at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in  Waikiki Beach.

Mayor Pam Triolo attended this meeting and I was told that Vice Mayor Andy Amoroso also attended.


Anonymous said...

Who paid?

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Who paid and what did they accomplish? They had to stick their hands down our collective pants because they couldn't afford basic road maintenance but they can jet off to the islands? I'll hold judgement until I find out who paid.

Anonymous said...

did their mates go also

Anonymous said...

It was a mayor's conference. Of course they attended.

Big scandal.

Anonymous said...

No scandal. "Of course they attended." Andy is not a mayor. That's sort of like Joe Biden thinking he was really the president at one time. Whatever. :)

Anonymous said...

The scandal ,idiot ,is how this "conference" was funded. And why did it have to be in Hawaii? Should have been a central location . These are the same vampires that feel it necessary to suck a 500 a month car allowance out of our collective necks, so a booze party on the beach is not far fetched .

Anonymous said...

Until you all keep voting for them and keeping them in office, your votes do it. Invoke term limits and never vote for incumbents, this is what all voters should do, never vote for the incumbent, never ever!

Anonymous said...

So the Mayor goes to Waikiki, and while she is gone, the Commissioner sells the city to the developers. Interesting Plot!

Anonymous said...

I ve been in step with 1.35.if no one wants to tackle term limits we can do it ourselfs by not voting incumbents in

Anonymous said...

Of Course 5:10. Unfortunately, sometimes no one runs against them, or a candidate that is so obviously in need of the income, with no qualifications other than a shady background; someone that doesn't even have a decent employment history.

It's a tough situation!

Anonymous said...

sounds like 6.40 is saying these bums are all qualified.maybe we should vote for homeless

Anonymous said...

It would be nice to think that at least one of our elected officials were working in our interest. Maybe it's the one we like the least.

Anonymous said...

Well, it would get them off the street 5:34.