Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The "Witch Hunt" continues

‘Substantial Evidence’ Trump ‘Guilty’ of Crimes Ahead of Mueller Hearing says Nadler

"Guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors," says Nadler who is the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, who accused President Trump on Fox News Sunday this week. In his eyes Trump’s "infractions" meet the standard of impeachment.

This will probably be the most watched television in the last two years just to learn, once again, that there was no collusion, no obstruction of justice. Just because the president might have said, "Can we get rid of Mueller?" is not obstruction...it's not an "infraction." What it is--wishful thinking to twist the facts by Nadler and his fellow Democrats.

Nothing was done or acted upon by the Trump administration to get rid of Mueller or shut down the investigation that was from from May 2017 to March 2019. President Trump's White House gave investigators thousands of pages of documents, his attorney testified for 30 hours and  the President answered a detailed questionnaire. The investigation went on for 2 years.

Congress has spent small fortunes to "get" the president. Democrats did not succeed with the evidence provided by the Mueller Report, This is all nasty politics for the hope and possibility by the Democrats of damaging the President further for his re-election.

The Witch Hunt continues.

 Read about it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Every American should read The Mueller Report and decide what occurred. Mueller collected statements and sworn testimony from Trump Administration officials and meticulously documented his findings into the 2 volumes.

People should read both volumes, digest the evidence of obstruction and election interference and who did what and make up their own minds.

Don't rely on blog posts, emails, tweets or reports from those who haven't read the complete report...read it for yourself and I think you'll find that's there's plenty of evidence to make an informed decision.