Monday, July 22, 2019

Commission Work Session

City Commission work Session on adding items to the Agenda

Gosh, we have to have a separate meeting in order to give the city manager direction on how Commissioners add items to the Agenda. The city manager wants to understand why commissioners want to include items on the agenda for discussion or vote. The only thing that has to be understood here is that the Commissioners are the bosses.

What this is about is shutting down Commissioner Hardy. All the rest of the reasons such as the existing workflow, staff schedules, existing work plan efforts and financial impacts are just excuses. I would guess that all the time expended to Hardy's folly of ADU's drove them all stark raving nuts at City Hall.

I agree that Commissioner Hardy trying to push through an Ordinance on ADU's while two commissioners were out of town on business (a meeting that was planned one year in advance) was a sneaky way (and can I say "unethical?") to try and get something passed. He knew he had one other vote with Herman Robinson. What he didn't know was that Commissioner Maxwell was one step ahead of him by informing him that he needed a quorum of three to go forward.

We will see the majority commission crack down on placing items on the agenda without the city manager's approval. Why not?...they have abrogated everything else to him. And one more thing-- these one on one manipulatory meetings between Commissioners and the City Manager need to stop or be recorded as a public record.

Tomorrow night,  July 23 at 6pm, there will be discussion on this.


Anonymous said...

agree, agree agree.

Anonymous said...

Tonight is July 22!