Monday, July 22, 2019

Rashida Tlaib has always been angry

Democrat Rashida Tlaib exploded at then-candidate Donald Trump in 2016

as he gave his economic policy speech on 08/08/2016 at the Detroit Economic Club

Trump was calm and did not agitate the situation as Tlaib had a public meltdown and had to be physically removed by security. It was a set up job that day as he was interrupted 14 times by agitators. It's amazing that a person such as Tlaib, who obviously hates herself, can get elected to the United States Congress.


Anonymous said...

Grandmother, what a big mouth you have!

Anonymous said...

I guess God wants to teach all of us a lot of lessons about how all these people are. We can all learn something from this.

Anonymous said...

These clipped women have nothing left to feel but hate.