Thursday, July 18, 2019

Development of Vacant Land on Dixie Highway

The Lake Worth Beach CRA recently announced an RFP for the development of a vacant, CRA-owned parcel on or adjacent to North Dixie Highway, between 17th and 18th Avenue North in the mixed-use, Dixie Highway area.

The CRA is seeking proposals for a mixed-use development that takes advantage of the Sustainable Bonus Incentive Program, allowing for additional height, density and intensity. It is the CRA’s intention to competitively select a Developer with the proven ability and interest to construct and own the property once developed. The CRA is interested in receiving proposals that provide the most transformative opportunity for the area and deliver the optimal return on investment. Interested development teams must submit qualifications, a design concept and a financial proposal.

Click here for full RFP

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

according to address in paper that sign is on different property