Thursday, July 25, 2019

Lawlessness in New York - Culprit arrested

NYPD Says Man Seen Drenching Officer with Water Has Been Arrested

Turns Out He’s a Gang Member

Lawlessness in New York and see the video.


Anonymous said...

this was really disgusting to watch. Do the cops there have a stand down order? What's with deblasio?

Anonymous said...

While this is not right to do. We should be respecting law enforcement.

Many do understand though that over the past several years many are not present enough in communities, and stay away until after the fact and then come when called. A lot of people have lost respect for our police, law enforcement, government as a whole as they do not uphold the law or are present and have allowed our country to be so lawless, especially with so many illegal immigrants running lose wreaking havoc on our communities like here.

Respect has to be earned again. Our police and law enforcement need to be present, they need to address all crimes, and not allow lawlessness and all these illegals. More needs to be done.

Respect is never automatic just because you are a teacher, police officer, or elected official, it must be earned.

Anonymous said...

How many times has a police officer saved a life? Uncountable. They have "earned" respect over and over but the MSM is dragging this country to Hell.