Wednesday, July 24, 2019

It's Mueller Time this Morning

Mueller Makes Last-Minute Request Ahead Of Testimony

This morning, beginning at 8:30am, we will get to hear Robert Mueller answer questions before the House Judiciary Committee for three hours and beginning at Noon, the House Intelligence Committee for two hours. All Democrats will be there in baited breath in what one described as the most anticipated congressional meeting for the year. They are waiting for something out of Mueller's mouth that will condemn the President once and for all so that they can proceed with impeachment.

It was also reported last night that Robert Mueller has requested that the committees allow Aaron Zebley, a Never Trumper attorney who served as deputy on the special counsel’s probe, be sworn in as a witness in order to address any questions that he is not able to answer. Nadler approved of the request. The President did not. Doesn't Mueller have the answers after 22 months after an indepth investigation?

Mueller will be asked about Trump's collusion with Russia (the original directive of the mueller Committee) as well as if Trump tried to obstruct justice. They don't care about the fact the President DID NOT obstruct justice, only if he attempted to.

So, the Witch Hunt continues.

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