Sunday, July 28, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein case: The ‘open secret’ at Royal Palm High

The above is the main headline on the front page of The Palm Beach Post today. And it shows that these girls kept coming back for the money...$200 a crack. It also pointed out that not one girl said she was raped. If they told him to stop groping, he did...just recruit a friend, and they did.

The main recruitment for his sexual obsession with young girls came from Royal Palm Beach High School and other students knew about it and so did administrators. The girls were called "prostitutes" by fellow class mates.

The surprise was the recruitment of girls from Lake Worth Middle School.

The Palm Beach Post article

I still say, where were their parents? Most of these girls knew exactly what they were doing and know all about sex today..


Anonymous said...

Another damn article I can't read !!!! Epstein was still having sex with under aged girls. Even if they welcomed the "easy" money. So pitiful. TRhis guy needs the death penalty. If he doesn't get "Arkancided" first !

Anonymous said...

I don't read the Post. Who cares what they have to say?

Lynn Anderson said...

@12:57--No need to swear about it. You either have a subscription on-line or you don't. It's your problem to solve.

Anonymous said...

I don't admire Epstein, but I have a hard time getting worked up about a case like this. As I look at it, everybody got what they wanted. Along comes a reporter who wants to make a name for herself, and here we are. It's really a who cares case as far as I am concerned. Only people who live through other peoples lives concern themselves with these types of issues. Read a book! Volunteer! Turn CNN off!

Anonymous said...

I agree with 4:10 there was a lot of enablers including the parents of the girls who involved themselves and the adults at school knew. Epstein is sick but he knows money talks.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, put 6:26 on the sick list.