Monday, July 8, 2019

Really Stupid Congresswomen

Congresswomen: Declaration of Independence racist, sexist

Dems go from trashing Constitution to trashing Declaration of Independence.

With progressives, nothing about our nation's history is sacred or redeemable.

It was only a matter of time, after demanding statues and memorials to American heroes of an earlier time be torn down, that their political vandalism would require a new enemy to target.

These Democrat congresswomen have found it -- America's birth certificate ... the Declaration of Independence.

First-year congresswomen Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts retweeted a Salon (an Alt-Left and most insipid site) article contending the Declaration of Independence is a racist and sexist document because it doesn’t address slavery or women’s rights.

How stupid can these people be?


Anonymous said...

Rap "music" is racist and sexist.

Laurence said...

Can these two focus on gratitude rather than criticism. They and we would be better off.

Anonymous said...

For the most part, congress people are not known as being the best and the brightest. (There are exceptions, of course) They're just local yokels who see an easy way of making a living. Didn't we have one right on Lake Avenue a year of so ago. To stupid to even keep the job.

Anonymous said...

Weatherman reported on snow today said citizens were building "snowpeople" I'd still call it snowman...