Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Lake Worth Solar Field
The Lake Worth Solar Field was completed in December 2016. It can generate two percent of the city’s energy load – enough to power more than 250 homes per year and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than four million pounds. That’s the equivalent of taking 400 cars off the road.
City of Lake Worth,
Solar System,
President Trump to address Congress tonight
President Donald J. Trump will be delivering his first address to a Joint Session of Congress tonight, February 28, 2017. Be sure to tune in as the President will be sharing his vision for the country.
When: Tuesday, February 28, 2017, at 9 p.m.
Where: The United States Capitol in the House Chamber, also known as the "Hall of the House of Representatives.”
Who: The President will address Members of both the House of Representatives and Senate in his first address to a Joint Session of Congress.
The Speech: President Trump is keeping the tradition of previous Presidents by delivering a formal address to a Joint Session of Congress during his inaugural year, and will deliver his first State of the Union address in 2018.
How to watch: The President will deliver his speech from the Speaker’s rostrum and streamed live.
When: Tuesday, February 28, 2017, at 9 p.m.
Where: The United States Capitol in the House Chamber, also known as the "Hall of the House of Representatives.”
Who: The President will address Members of both the House of Representatives and Senate in his first address to a Joint Session of Congress.
The Speech: President Trump is keeping the tradition of previous Presidents by delivering a formal address to a Joint Session of Congress during his inaugural year, and will deliver his first State of the Union address in 2018.
How to watch: The President will deliver his speech from the Speaker’s rostrum and streamed live.
The last Candidate Forum? - We can only hope
Bryant Park had its 2nd candidate forum last night at The Beach Club. This was for the candidates in District 4. The President of the Bryant Park Neighborhood Association showed his bias and prejudice by announcing in the beginning that he was a good friend of one of the candidates [Herman Robinson] and that Ben Ellis was going to be the moderator for the forum.
It was sparsely attended and if it were not for others in the community there to listen and support their candidates, the meeting would have been a bust. Most people have already made up their minds as to whom they want as commissioner District 4.
One question was on illegals in our city and if the city should cooperate with ICE. This was of particular interest to me as our city is inundated with immigrants who have crossed the border illegally and now reside in our city.
Ellie Whittey: Yes.
Maryann Polizzi: Yes. We can't go against a national law.
Herman Robinson: We are a Sanctuary City. If the illegal hasn't committed a crime, he should be allowed to stay.
All in all, I thought all of the candidates did a good job. The one startling comment was from Herman Robinson who said he would like to see the Bamboo Room open again as a nightclub. The Bamboo Room is now occupied by Common Ground Church that is in the process of buying the property. Don't we have enough nightclubs in this city? Don't we have enough boozers? Robinson is endorsed by two of the Trio, Scott Maxwell and Andy Amoroso, with Amoroso opposed to the church.
Solar Ribbon Cutting
Ribbon Cutting
for the Lake Worth Solar Energy Project
Where: 1200 Washington Ave, Lake Worth, Fl
When: 2:00pm Tuesday, February 28th
Monday, February 27, 2017
Maryann Polizzi interviewed by WJNO
WJNO, the news and information you need to start your day, conducted candidate interviews.
Maryann Polizzi's interview will be on the radio between 5am and 9am tomorrow, February 28. It will be aired throughout that time slot.
Maryann Polizzi's interview will be on the radio between 5am and 9am tomorrow, February 28. It will be aired throughout that time slot.
Bleeding heart liberal governor defies Feds
The State of Texas is making moves to eliminate sanctuary cities within the Lone Star State. Washington State, on the other hand, is taking an opposite approach: their governor has effectively declared the entire state a sanctuary state.
In an executive order signed on Thursday, Gov. Jay Inslee (DEMOCRAT) prohibited any state agency from detaining an illegal immigrant at the request of federal officials. It also prohibits the use of state resources for the creation of a database or registry for people of a particular religion. The state will, however, continue to honor federal arrest warrants.
In a press conference, Inslee said that he did not think that Washington State should take part in "[...] promoting or carrying out mean-spirited policies that break up families and compromise our national security and, importantly, our community safety.”
Washington State has seen an increase in the number of illegal immigrants over the past few years. About half of the state's estimated 250,000 undocumented persons are from Mexico, and an additional 20,000 are from China. Source: Townhall and american Action News
In an executive order signed on Thursday, Gov. Jay Inslee (DEMOCRAT) prohibited any state agency from detaining an illegal immigrant at the request of federal officials. It also prohibits the use of state resources for the creation of a database or registry for people of a particular religion. The state will, however, continue to honor federal arrest warrants.
In a press conference, Inslee said that he did not think that Washington State should take part in "[...] promoting or carrying out mean-spirited policies that break up families and compromise our national security and, importantly, our community safety.”
Washington State has seen an increase in the number of illegal immigrants over the past few years. About half of the state's estimated 250,000 undocumented persons are from Mexico, and an additional 20,000 are from China. Source: Townhall and american Action News
Executive Orders,
Sanctuary City
Another Shooting in Lake Worth
Incident #: 17044879
2/26/2017 @ 7:11 PM
Palm Beach County Sheriff
Incident #: 17044879
2/26/2017 @ 7:11 PM
Palm Beach County Sheriff
Tom Perez, OMG
As the Democrats continue to push our country toward communism, here are some facts on the newly elected chair of the DNC:
Here are ten key facts about radical progressive leftist Tom Perez that you may not know:
Read more... at Politistick.
Here are ten key facts about radical progressive leftist Tom Perez that you may not know:
- Tom Perez supports Islamic Sharia Law in America which is antithetical to the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
- Perez had his own Hillary Clinton-like email scandal, secretly using a private email account to do government business while at the Department of Labor. Perez “likely violated both the spirit and letter of the Federal Records Act” by using his private email to hide what he was doing from federal officials, according to The Wall Street Journal.
- Tom Perez radically supports amnesty for illegal aliens and is anti-border enforcement. “Bringing 11 million undocumented workers out of the shadows and on a path to citizenship will give them access to higher wages and greater economic opportunity,” he said on October 29, 2013.
- Perez is a racist who fought to expand alleged hate crimes, which he characterizes as a predominantly white-on-black phenomenon. He believes that if minorities commit more crimes, it is only because they are discriminated against. He calls it “disparate impact.“
- In 2012, while at the Obama Justice Department before becoming labor secretary in 2013, Perez sued Jacksonville, Florida, because black firefighter applicants got lower test scores on exams than white applicants. Perez believes that written tests for firefighters and police officers is somehow discriminatory.
- Perez had the radical view that the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division’s mission was to help those “living in the shadows” (helping illegal aliens). Perez believes that applicants to certain professions should be given preference based on skin colors other than white.
- Perez is a big proponent of foreigners in America illegally receiving in-state tuition discounts.
- A lifelong bureaucrat, Tom Perez was deputy assistant attorney general for civil rights under Democrat president and serial woman abuser Bill Clinton. Perez worked under nutjob Janet Reno.
- Perez was previously president of Casa de Maryland, a communist front group and a notorious advocacy group for illegal aliens funded by George Soros and socialist madman Hugo Chavez. (Big donors to Casa de Maryland include Soros’s Foundation to Promote Open Society –$270,000 since 2010– National Council of La Raza –$70,000 since 2004– and two government-supported entities, Neighborhood Reinvestment Corp. –$40,000 since 2011– and Maryland Legal Services Corp. –$630,203 since 2005.)
- Perez is a proponent of “Critical Legal Studies,” which is a legal theory derived from anti-American Marxism.
Read more... at Politistick.
Teen allegedly attacks patron in downtown Lake Worth
[PBPost] Infamous Boynton Beach 13-year-old Danielle Bregoli, who gained viral fame via the catchphrase "Cash me Ousside" on Dr. Phil's television show, was apparently involved in an altercation in downtown Lake Worth on Saturday night during the annual Street Painting Festival.
According to an Instagram post by Kavasutra, Bregoli allegedly attacked a patron in front of the kava bar at 508 Lake Ave. The post said the "older woman was concerned with Danielle being out late."
I guess the problem with this 13 year old is that her parents don't give a damn?
In the meantime, convicted felon Dylan Harrison's Kavasutra bar gets in the news.
According to an Instagram post by Kavasutra, Bregoli allegedly attacked a patron in front of the kava bar at 508 Lake Ave. The post said the "older woman was concerned with Danielle being out late."
I guess the problem with this 13 year old is that her parents don't give a damn?
In the meantime, convicted felon Dylan Harrison's Kavasutra bar gets in the news.
Dylan Harrison,
Street Painting Festival
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Earth Justice files suit against Trump's Executive Order
If the progressives don't like something they organize and head for the streets chanting disgusting slogans and waving obnoxious signs. This time it is court. Expect four years of protests, lawsuits and unhappy Democrats being led by two haters, Perez and Ellison.
Earth Justice along with Public Citizen, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO, have filed suit to strike down an Executive Order signed by President Donald Trump as an unconstitutional overreach.
Executive Order 1-10-17
Legal Challenge 2-8-17
An America First Energy Plan
Earth Justice along with Public Citizen, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO, have filed suit to strike down an Executive Order signed by President Donald Trump as an unconstitutional overreach.
Executive Order 1-10-17
Legal Challenge 2-8-17
An America First Energy Plan
The Political Ninth Circus Court
Using the rulings on the Ninth Circuit Court on President Trump’s Executive Order on a travel ban, Hani Hasan Hanjour, the 9/11 hijacker and pilot would have legal standing to enter the United States. This is a bright and shining light on the political nature of the Ninth Circus. This is why activist judges need to be reigned in. [Conservative News]
Read about it...
As one reader said, "Once again the left proves that our nation is on a collision course with dystopia. A corrupt federal court system is attempting to undermine the vote of the majority. Without a doubt, the courts have overstepped their jurisdiction and acted unconstitutionally. This isn't even a debatable issue. This is PRECISELY what the founding fathers warned against. SCOTUS will put an end to this nonsense; however, this unlawful decision shows that the system is broken."
Read about it...
As one reader said, "Once again the left proves that our nation is on a collision course with dystopia. A corrupt federal court system is attempting to undermine the vote of the majority. Without a doubt, the courts have overstepped their jurisdiction and acted unconstitutionally. This isn't even a debatable issue. This is PRECISELY what the founding fathers warned against. SCOTUS will put an end to this nonsense; however, this unlawful decision shows that the system is broken."
Condo living is not for everyone that's for sure but some of the people who live here thumb their noses at rules. Breaking rules and Florida Statutes happen with frequency these days. It happens so much that lawsuits ensue. Those who break rules honestly believe rules and regulations/laws are in place to make their lives miserable.
A few days ago a woman was looking at the unit next door to me that is for sale. She has a cat. I told her no cats allowed. She then said it was a service cat and condos needed to change their thinking and get into the 21st Century. She said she had a mental disorder. I wanted to agree with her. Why don't these people buy a house or simply live within the rules?
The owner of the classic car sold his unit in this building a few years ago. We thought we were rid of the problem. This year he decided to rent the unit he had sold and his cycle of abuse started all over again. At least he was chased off of parking on Lake Osborne Drive with his For Sale signs plastered all over his windows. He has been spotted trying to sell his car in downtown Lake Worth on our city streets.
Condo Commandos,
Ordinances and Laws
An Unlikely Christian Protector
Islamic groups like ISIS are using terror to drive Christians from the Mideast and to slaughter those who refuse or are unable to flee.
But an unlikely rescuer has arrived whom local Christians credit for their still being alive. For anyone familiar with the last 100 years of history, this does not fit the narrative.
Read about it... and what this a 76-year old Flemish priest had to say who is from the sixth-century Mar Yakub monastery that has has monks and nuns from 8 nations located in the Syrian city of Qara.
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Anti-American Radical - Keith Ellison
He was put into office by dedicated communists. He supported the dissolution of the United States to create an ethnostate only for blacks. He’s been the biggest defender of the Muslim Brotherhood in Congress.
And he was poised to take over one of America’s two major political parties.
Read more... at WND.
Read Allen West's article where he says that the "Democrats are out to lunch."
DNC chooses Perez over Ellison 235 votes to 200.
What's going on in Maricopa County?
In November, Paul Penzone beat Joe Arpaio for sheriff in Maricopa County Arizona. Joe had been sheriff there for 24 years and while he was sheriff, the overall crime rate in Maricopa was 50% lower than the national average with the help of tough laws that were enacted such as E-Verify. He was tough on illegal immigration and criminals. Penzone beat him by 55.4%.
An average of 400 “criminal illegal immigrants” are being released every 10 days by the newly elected sheriff in Arizona’s most populous county, federal law enforcement sources tell Judicial Watch, many of them violent offenders. It’s part of Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone’s new policy to protect illegal aliens, even those who have committed serious state crimes, from deportation.
Under a longtime partnership between the county and the feds, the Phoenix field office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was notified when “aliens unlawfully present with additional Arizona charges” were released from the Maricopa County Jail, which is one of the nation’s largest with a population of about 8,000. That ended when Penzone, who refers to illegal immigrants as “guests,” took office this year and, though he formally announced the change last week, it was put into practice much earlier.Read more...
Friday, February 24, 2017
Fake News organizations were not invited
[New York Times] Reporters from The Times, BuzzFeed News, CNN, The Los Angeles Times and
Politico were not allowed to enter the West Wing office of the press
secretary, Sean M. Spicer, for the scheduled briefing.
Aides to Mr. Spicer only allowed in reporters from a handpicked group of news organizations that, the White House said, had been previously confirmed.
There are consequences for actions.
Aides to Mr. Spicer only allowed in reporters from a handpicked group of news organizations that, the White House said, had been previously confirmed.
There are consequences for actions.
Medical Marijuana
Did anyone ever know that there were so many people in pain that only cannabis can now help?
Personally I am a skeptic and believe that it will open doors to abuse...abuse just like the Pill Mill industry or the Sober Homes for "recovering" addicts. We all care about those in pain with debilitating illnesses and that's why it passed in the first place. The lobbyists pulled at our heart strings and told us that with our vote we could definitely eliminate pain for a child or a loved one. But I believe it will usher in an unprecedented era of legalized marijuana in Florida. Even Andy Amoroso said Tuesday night that he is for medical marijuana as well as general marijuana. And that's my fear--having a bunch of pot heads walking down Lake Avenue as they exit their favorite bar.
The federal government still classifies it as a Class I controlled substance, which is illegal to possess.
[Arcview Market Research] Cannabis is arguably the fastest growing industry in the world. Regulated marijuana sales in North America totaled $6.9 billion in 2016, a 30 percent increase from 2015. Sales are projected to increase to $21.6 billion by the year 2021 representing a 26 percent compound annual growth rate.
The Medical Marijuana Moratorium passed on a 4/1 vote with Maier dissenting to bring it back within 30 days of the State Legislature's opinion/ruling. No matter the use, marijuana is all about some people making tons of money off the misery of people.
Omari Hardy, Candidate District 2 Lake Worth
"Adopt-A-Family is a nonprofit located in Lake Worth that serves families
with children who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming
homeless. Adopt-A-Family’s mission is to strengthen families in their
efforts to achieve stability and self-sufficiency. Pursuant to our
mission, our agency operates nine core programs that address the
continuum of needs that many vulnerable families in Palm Beach County
face. Last year, we served 2,167 families and ended or prevented an
episode of homelessness for 635 of those families. We have 62 employees
and 15 dedicated and committed board members." Source: PBPost article
Why is this important? The article says that Adopt-a-Family housing is for families with children experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. These are poor people down and out on their luck.
Current school teacher at Roosevelt Community Middle School and candidate for District 2 commissioner, Omari (a name that means God the Highest) Hardy, claims domicile in housing owned by Adopt-A-Family. In fact when he spoke at the city commission meeting this past Tuesday, he gave his address as 1736 Lake Worth Road.
Omari Hardy's last T-Report showing his address as of February 10, 2017. Prior to this address, he lived and maybe voted in Coral Gables although there is no record of him having ever voted there.
Ownership of property at 1736 Lake Worth Road where Omari Hardy claims residency.
Florida residents' database that shows his mailing address is in Cocoanut Creek, Florida and that he has lived at 1736 Lake Worth Road for one year. Why is this important? Because at one of the NA forums he said he had lived in Lake Worth for three years. There is no evidence of any other address in Lake Worth for Mr. Hardy. He did vote in the March 2016 election nearly one year ago.
Omari Hardy's Facebook page showing his residence to be in Coral Gables
1. Omari Hardy's connection to Adopt-a-Family He actually was the manager in 2014.
2. Omari Hardy's connection to Adopt-a-family Omari says he still works for Adopt-A-Family part-time.
When filing to run for office in Lake Worth, you do not have to prove where you live. If the city/state did have that requirement, perhaps it would clear up these discrepancies/questions on domicile. You have to be a resident in Lake Worth for six months prior to the election.
Perhaps all of the above is just old, outdated, information?
Click here... for a previous blog on Mr. Hardy.
Why is this important? The article says that Adopt-a-Family housing is for families with children experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. These are poor people down and out on their luck.
Current school teacher at Roosevelt Community Middle School and candidate for District 2 commissioner, Omari (a name that means God the Highest) Hardy, claims domicile in housing owned by Adopt-A-Family. In fact when he spoke at the city commission meeting this past Tuesday, he gave his address as 1736 Lake Worth Road.
Omari Hardy's last T-Report showing his address as of February 10, 2017. Prior to this address, he lived and maybe voted in Coral Gables although there is no record of him having ever voted there.
Ownership of property at 1736 Lake Worth Road where Omari Hardy claims residency.
Florida residents' database that shows his mailing address is in Cocoanut Creek, Florida and that he has lived at 1736 Lake Worth Road for one year. Why is this important? Because at one of the NA forums he said he had lived in Lake Worth for three years. There is no evidence of any other address in Lake Worth for Mr. Hardy. He did vote in the March 2016 election nearly one year ago.
Omari Hardy's Facebook page showing his residence to be in Coral Gables
1. Omari Hardy's connection to Adopt-a-Family He actually was the manager in 2014.
2. Omari Hardy's connection to Adopt-a-family Omari says he still works for Adopt-A-Family part-time.
When filing to run for office in Lake Worth, you do not have to prove where you live. If the city/state did have that requirement, perhaps it would clear up these discrepancies/questions on domicile. You have to be a resident in Lake Worth for six months prior to the election.
Perhaps all of the above is just old, outdated, information?
Click here... for a previous blog on Mr. Hardy.
Was there a Clinton Death List?
A Clinton
money man feared Hillary and Bill 'assassins'
Stories of a Clinton death list have circulated online for years, but a man at the center of one of the ex-president's scandals truly believed Bill and Hillary would murder him.
In fact, the nervous Nellie was so terrified, he concocted a fool-proof "insurance policy" just in case he was found pushing up daisies
Read about it...
Stories of a Clinton death list have circulated online for years, but a man at the center of one of the ex-president's scandals truly believed Bill and Hillary would murder him.
In fact, the nervous Nellie was so terrified, he concocted a fool-proof "insurance policy" just in case he was found pushing up daisies
Read about it...
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Vote NO on three Year Terms
It was nearly a decade ago when three year terms lost by a landslide in Lake Worth. We had three lazy commissioners back then. Below are the particulars on that election.
Citizens Come First, Political Action Committee, was formed in Palm Beach County on December 26, 2007. It has subsequently closed.
Our first campaign was for the defeat of three ballot issues voted on by 3 out of the 5 City Commissioners in Lake Worth and placed on the January 29, 2008 ballot:
1. Three year Commission terms:......NO (68%) YES (32%)
2. Eliminate run-off elections:......... NO (67%) YES (33%)
3. Residency requirement for
Police & Fire Chiefs:..............NO (49.76%) YES (50.24%)
Because of the confusing ballot language of Item 3 (we wanted our chiefs to reside in the City by Charter), it lost by 21 votes. It is moot now because Fire Rescue is in PB County.
We encourage you to VOTE NO once again on March 14.
Citizens Come First, Political Action Committee, was formed in Palm Beach County on December 26, 2007. It has subsequently closed.
Our first campaign was for the defeat of three ballot issues voted on by 3 out of the 5 City Commissioners in Lake Worth and placed on the January 29, 2008 ballot:
1. Three year Commission terms:......NO (68%) YES (32%)
2. Eliminate run-off elections:......... NO (67%) YES (33%)
3. Residency requirement for
Police & Fire Chiefs:..............NO (49.76%) YES (50.24%)
Because of the confusing ballot language of Item 3 (we wanted our chiefs to reside in the City by Charter), it lost by 21 votes. It is moot now because Fire Rescue is in PB County.
We encourage you to VOTE NO once again on March 14.
City of Lake Worth,
Mulligans tries to shift responsibility for Grease Trap spill
Page 1 news is now on page 9 of the Palm Beach Post--
Whose responsibility is it to pay for the clean-up?
"Restaurant says it will share costs of grease spill cleanup"
Mulligans says it is partly the city's fault because of the ballroom upstairs. Just one problem--that little kitchen is only a prep facility--they don't fry food. Mulligans says it is the city's responsibility per their lease to maintain the grease traps. Normally I would think there is probably something to that as the city maintains NOTHING. However, under a typical Repair and Maintenance section of our restaurant merchants' leases, it is the tenant's responsibility to maintain and repair grease traps. It would be hard to imagine that Mulligans was given an exception. City Manager Bornstein says maintaining the grease traps is a condition of their permit.
Whose responsibility is it to pay for the clean-up?
"Restaurant says it will share costs of grease spill cleanup"
Mulligans says it is partly the city's fault because of the ballroom upstairs. Just one problem--that little kitchen is only a prep facility--they don't fry food. Mulligans says it is the city's responsibility per their lease to maintain the grease traps. Normally I would think there is probably something to that as the city maintains NOTHING. However, under a typical Repair and Maintenance section of our restaurant merchants' leases, it is the tenant's responsibility to maintain and repair grease traps. It would be hard to imagine that Mulligans was given an exception. City Manager Bornstein says maintaining the grease traps is a condition of their permit.
Palm Beach County Republican Party Meeting
Ryan Hnatiuk
Republican Party of Palm Beach County Executive Director
Yesterday Katie and I went to the Republican Party of the Palm Beaches lunch meeting at the Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center in West Palm Beach.
Mr. Hnatiuk was the speaker and gave the local party’s view of the political events of the recent past and what to expect going forward. His aim is to make Florida "red" which all starts at the local municipal elections.
Local candidates who spoke were Ron Berman, Michael Paolercio and Joe Russo all from Palm Beach Gardens.
Local candidates who spoke were Ron Berman, Michael Paolercio and Joe Russo all from Palm Beach Gardens.
County Palm Beach,
Republican Club,
Fun and Games in Lake Worth - Prostitution Sting
Read about it...11 women rounded up. We can't, however, get the gang bangers or the shooters off the streets.
Why are we having so much of this going on in Lake Worth? Addicts looking for a fix. Sober Homes attracting addicts and the circle continues.
Commissioner McVoy and candidate Maryann Polizzi are making Sober homes and crime a priority focus.
Why are we having so much of this going on in Lake Worth? Addicts looking for a fix. Sober Homes attracting addicts and the circle continues.
Commissioner McVoy and candidate Maryann Polizzi are making Sober homes and crime a priority focus.
Suicide bomber in Iraq former Gitmo prisoner
An Islamic State suicide bomber who attacked an army base in Iraq this
week was a British former Guantanamo Bay prisoner who was awarded more
than $1 million in compensation by the UK. It is uncertain at this time whether any others were killed by him. The Associated Press reported that a series of suicide bombings in that area of Mosul on Sunday killed at least seven soldiers.
Read about it...
This won't happen under President Trump as he has vowed to fill GITMO with "bad dudes." There are still around 41 prisoners and won't be released as Obama did.
Read about it...
This won't happen under President Trump as he has vowed to fill GITMO with "bad dudes." There are still around 41 prisoners and won't be released as Obama did.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
President Trump makes surprise visit
Unbeknown to reporters and a surprise to 800 attendees, President Trump made an appearance: at an elegant fundraising gala being held for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, held at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property and headlined by musician David Foster.
Our city attorney, Glen Torcivia, was at the event and took the following photos. He said he was approximately 10 feet from our president.
Our city attorney, Glen Torcivia, was at the event and took the following photos. He said he was approximately 10 feet from our president.
Donald Trump,
Glen J. Torcivia,
CNN's Don Lemon Does "hit" interview on Trump - Fake News
When he finally got to Paris Dennard, a former staffer in the George W. Bush administration and now a political analyst and commentator, Paris called Lemon's segment "fake news." Lemon cut him off...he only wanted people to agree with him. This is something liberals do.
And this CNN Lemon segment was very fake news!
And this CNN Lemon segment was very fake news!
FL SB 10 - Water Resources in Everglades
SB 10: Water Resources
Water Resources; Providing an exception to the requirement that bonds issued for acquisition and improvement of land, water areas, and related property interests and resources be deposited into the Florida Forever Trust Fund and distributed in a specified manner; requiring the South Florida Water Management District to seek proposals from willing sellers of property within the Everglades Agricultural Area for land that is suitable for the reservoir project; increasing the minimum annual funding for certain Everglades projects under specified circumstances, etc.
APPROPRIATION: Indeterminate Effective Date: Except as otherwise expressly provided in this act, this act shall take effect upon becoming a law
Last Action: 2/8/2017 Senate - Now in Appropriations Subcommittee on the Environment and Natural Resources Location: In committee/council (AEN)
Bill Text
When I asked Drew Martin, this was his reply:
"I think that we must purchase land south of the lake and move water south or we will continue to destroy our estuaries. This water always flowed south before the lake was altered and the land south of the lake was drained. Property values along the estuaries and businesses along the coast have suffered greatly. This does not prevent agriculture south of the lake or destroy the communities south of the lake. We can have both storage and agriculture. Without it we are putting greater pressure on the berm around the lake and putting communities at greater risk along the rim of Lake Okeechobee."
Water Resources; Providing an exception to the requirement that bonds issued for acquisition and improvement of land, water areas, and related property interests and resources be deposited into the Florida Forever Trust Fund and distributed in a specified manner; requiring the South Florida Water Management District to seek proposals from willing sellers of property within the Everglades Agricultural Area for land that is suitable for the reservoir project; increasing the minimum annual funding for certain Everglades projects under specified circumstances, etc.
APPROPRIATION: Indeterminate Effective Date: Except as otherwise expressly provided in this act, this act shall take effect upon becoming a law
Last Action: 2/8/2017 Senate - Now in Appropriations Subcommittee on the Environment and Natural Resources Location: In committee/council (AEN)
Bill Text
When I asked Drew Martin, this was his reply:
"I think that we must purchase land south of the lake and move water south or we will continue to destroy our estuaries. This water always flowed south before the lake was altered and the land south of the lake was drained. Property values along the estuaries and businesses along the coast have suffered greatly. This does not prevent agriculture south of the lake or destroy the communities south of the lake. We can have both storage and agriculture. Without it we are putting greater pressure on the berm around the lake and putting communities at greater risk along the rim of Lake Okeechobee."
People with wet noodles can damper a party
Our pool got a reprieve last night. There were four reasons why the city commission did not act but tabled the aquatic facility presentation and any idea to go forward with it at this time--
1. The chamber was 95% in favor of saving our present pool--the room was filled with swim noodles.
2. The Mayor--the pool has been neglected, mistreated and left to rot when it closed in 2012.
3. Commissioner McVoy--Wants the city to develop a list of all the work that needs to be done getting opinions from 3 experts. Does not want to rely on one opinion.
4. Comments from the public. I especially appreciate Jim Finnegan's comments and putting Maxwell and Triolo's mind at ease as he revealed that he was Commissioner McVoy's unnamed source {McVoy had taken heat earlier for not naming his source] who did an analysis on the pool with a pool expert who said all of the pool problems are fixable.
Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell saw the odds before him and did not get into the fire. He knows exactly when to fold them. In fact, he was on the vote to table it. There was no mention as to when it would come back to the Commission and there was no mention that the city would do anything but continue to ignore the problems there thus making them worse.
It doesn't matter whether our pool is old, something everyone wants to tell us. With proper maintenance, it can be fine. We sat through a presentation by Bob McAllister, Aquatic consultant, hired by city manager Bornstein at a cost the city is not revealing. No one really wanted to sit there for two hours to listen to the three different super expensive scenarios for fixing/replacing our pool. We were there to see if the Trio would lower the boom on our pool and all the residents who want to save it..
- Option 1--$2,772,500 was to repair the pool and build a new locker room and make the necessary repairs to the Pump House.
- Option 2--$3,272,500 or $4,612,500 with extra features includes Option 1 and converts the pool to zero depth so that little kids can walk in with no problem.
- Option 3--$7,310,921 build a new aquatic facility
I'm sure that the dollar figures that were floating around were giving Scott Maxwell a headache.
Enterprise Florida Dead as a Doornail?
The House Appropriations Committee just made a lousy decision. Yesterday, they voted 18-12 to advance a
measure that
Governor Rick Scott is madder than hell saying, “Today’s vote by politicians in the Florida House is a job killer. I know some politicians who voted for this job killing bill say they don’t necessarily want to abolish these programs but instead want to advance a conversation."
Read about it...
- 1) eliminates Florida's 21-year-old economic development agency
- 2) emasculates its tourism marketing arm.
Governor Rick Scott is madder than hell saying, “Today’s vote by politicians in the Florida House is a job killer. I know some politicians who voted for this job killing bill say they don’t necessarily want to abolish these programs but instead want to advance a conversation."
Read about it...
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
More on the Grease Spill at the Casino
February 21, 2017
Contact: Ben Kerr, Communications Specialist
Phone: 561.586.1631
WHEN: FEBRUARY 19th & 20th, 2017
Lake Worth, Florida- On February 19, 2017 at 5:00pm the City was informed by staff of Mulligan’s Beach House Restaurant in the Lake Worth Casino building that the Mulligans’ grease trap was overflowing. At 5:30pm further inspection revealed a more serious problem and a City vacuum truck was dispatched to vacuum out the grease trap. During this process the parking lot in that area was cleared to allow clean up to take place.
The following day (February 20) at 06:00am the City dispatched a street sweeper and vacuum truck to carry out the next stage of clean-up. Shortly after 5:00pm it was reported that the vacuum process had failed and the grease trap began to overflow again, this time after the trap was emptied a plumber was brought in by Mulligan’s who discovered that the sewer outflow pipe was clogged with grease due to improper maintenance. The outflow pipe has now been jetted and the grease trap is fully serviceable again.
The City is continuing with clean-up and will be bringing in hazardous waste specialists to assist in ensuring any environmental impact is minimized.
Chapter 14 of the Utilities; and Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM-W) for the Water/Wastewater Utility Department states that commercial and industrial facilities must demonstrate monthly maintenance on grease traps to remove fats, oils and greases as a condition of their annual Fat, Oil and Grease Permit.
At this time no decision has been made regarding who will incur the cost of clean-up. An investigation into this event is being undertaken by the City. Recommendations will be issued to ensure that such a problem does not occur again.
Please contact Ben Kerr, the City of Lake Worth Communications Specialist with any questions or comments.
February 21, 2017
Contact: Ben Kerr, Communications Specialist
Phone: 561.586.1631
WHEN: FEBRUARY 19th & 20th, 2017
Lake Worth, Florida- On February 19, 2017 at 5:00pm the City was informed by staff of Mulligan’s Beach House Restaurant in the Lake Worth Casino building that the Mulligans’ grease trap was overflowing. At 5:30pm further inspection revealed a more serious problem and a City vacuum truck was dispatched to vacuum out the grease trap. During this process the parking lot in that area was cleared to allow clean up to take place.
The following day (February 20) at 06:00am the City dispatched a street sweeper and vacuum truck to carry out the next stage of clean-up. Shortly after 5:00pm it was reported that the vacuum process had failed and the grease trap began to overflow again, this time after the trap was emptied a plumber was brought in by Mulligan’s who discovered that the sewer outflow pipe was clogged with grease due to improper maintenance. The outflow pipe has now been jetted and the grease trap is fully serviceable again.
The City is continuing with clean-up and will be bringing in hazardous waste specialists to assist in ensuring any environmental impact is minimized.
Chapter 14 of the Utilities; and Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM-W) for the Water/Wastewater Utility Department states that commercial and industrial facilities must demonstrate monthly maintenance on grease traps to remove fats, oils and greases as a condition of their annual Fat, Oil and Grease Permit.
At this time no decision has been made regarding who will incur the cost of clean-up. An investigation into this event is being undertaken by the City. Recommendations will be issued to ensure that such a problem does not occur again.
Please contact Ben Kerr, the City of Lake Worth Communications Specialist with any questions or comments.
City of Lake Worth,
Mulligans Restaurant,
Press Release
Quote of the Day - Ted Cruz on Expatriate Terrorist Act

~ Sen Ted Cruz
From The Hill:
Under this bill, an individual could have their U.S. citizenship revoked if they pledge allegiance to, work for or serve in the military of a group or government designated as a foreign terrorist organization; commit treason against or try to overthrow the U.S. government, or provide material support to a terrorist group. Cruz’s bill would also let the secretary of State deny a passport to someone who joined or is trying to join a terrorist organization or is a “threat to the national security interest of the United States.” An individual would have 60 days to try to appeal the State Department’s decision.
Ordinances and Laws,
Ted Cruz,
Neighborhood Associations ARE Political
As much as they like to tell us that they are a forum for neighbors to share information, concerns and ideas about creating a family friendly community with a voice in Lake Worth, they all deny that they are political. We know better. In some respects, they have dangerous and influential leaders to indoctrinate the residents.
The only Neighborhood Associations that are not political are ROLO and Murry Hills. The Rest of them forget about it. Even the NAPC is politically charged...just take a look at its Board of Directors with Mary Lindsey now an exception and someone who does a hell of a great job for our city.
This notice below is to show you just what I'm talking about. The president of this newly formed neighborhood association, Sam Goodstein, is also affiliated with a current candidate's campaign acting as Treasurer. He is the President of the Lake Worth Democratic Club.
And all these people are incensed about anarchists in our city (I only know one) but then they turn around and protest against our president or anyone with a different or conservative view.
The only Neighborhood Associations that are not political are ROLO and Murry Hills. The Rest of them forget about it. Even the NAPC is politically charged...just take a look at its Board of Directors with Mary Lindsey now an exception and someone who does a hell of a great job for our city.
This notice below is to show you just what I'm talking about. The president of this newly formed neighborhood association, Sam Goodstein, is also affiliated with a current candidate's campaign acting as Treasurer. He is the President of the Lake Worth Democratic Club.
And all these people are incensed about anarchists in our city (I only know one) but then they turn around and protest against our president or anyone with a different or conservative view.
3 story Townhouse planned on S. Federal Highway
The applicant is proposing a 7 unit townhouse development. The unit mix will consist of 7 three (3) bedroom townhouses, located within three (3) buildings. Each three (3) bedroom townhome will have 2,557 square feet of area under roof, (2,018 consist of air-conditioned space), and a 752 square foot paver patio for each townhome. The units will be allocated throughout three (3) buildings, with each being three (3) stories with a height of 35 feet. On the first floor there will be a covered entry (87 square feet) along with a 430 square foot two car garage for each home. Also, there will be a 42 square foot covered balcony on the second floor and a 28 square foot open balcony on the second floor
In addition, there will be a 30 square foot open balcony on the third floor for each home. Entrance and exit from the site will be from South Federal Highway.
Presently only 30 feet are allowed, or two stories. Staff is recommending the approval of Long Boat.
The owner of this property? Charles Gusmano, principal of Longboat Development, and the very same Charles Gusmano, Founder and COO of Southern Waste Systems (Sun Recycling). Mr. Gusmano and Longboat Development have been around Lake Worth for years and involved in our local politics.
Click here
In addition, there will be a 30 square foot open balcony on the third floor for each home. Entrance and exit from the site will be from South Federal Highway.
Presently only 30 feet are allowed, or two stories. Staff is recommending the approval of Long Boat.
The owner of this property? Charles Gusmano, principal of Longboat Development, and the very same Charles Gusmano, Founder and COO of Southern Waste Systems (Sun Recycling). Mr. Gusmano and Longboat Development have been around Lake Worth for years and involved in our local politics.
Click here
Grease spill from Mulligans at the Lake Worth beach to A1A
Photo contributed to the PBPost
This is an important article. It was relegated to page 4 in the Local section of the PBPost. It halted traffic for 4 hours and was an environmental nightmare.
City of Lake Worth,
Mulligans Restaurant
Lake Worth Solar Energy Project - Ribbon Cutting
February 1, 2017
Contact: Ben Kerr, Communications Specialist
Phone: 561.586.1631
Ribbon Cutting – Lake Worth Solar Energy Project
On Tuesday, February 28th at 2:00pm Mayor Pam Triolo will unveil the Lake Worth Solar Energy Project located at 1200 Washington Avenue, Lake Worth, FL. The initial project developed 5 acres of an unused 63 acre landfill into a high capacity solar energy field.
The 2 megawatt (MW) solar plant is the first step in a long-term investment in solar that will make Lake Worth’s rates more competitive and position the City as a leader in renewable energy in Florida. While a few Florida cities, such as Jacksonville and Orlando, are buying solar power, Lake Worth is the state’s first municipality to own and operate a solar farm.
Lake Worth expects the initial 6,490 solar panels to generate about two percent of the City’s load – enough to power more than 230 homes per year and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than four million pounds. That’s the equivalent of taking 445 cars off the road. Under its contract with Siemens, the city has the ability to increase the solar farm’s capacity to as much as 10MW at the same location.
“In addition to helping the City achieve energy and financial savings, this project also marks a major commitment to diversifying our energy portfolio to include clean and renewable energy sources.” ~ City of Lake Worth Mayor, Pam Triolo
Please contact Ben Kerr, the City of Lake Worth Communications Specialist with any questions or comments.
February 1, 2017
Contact: Ben Kerr, Communications Specialist
Phone: 561.586.1631
Ribbon Cutting – Lake Worth Solar Energy Project
On Tuesday, February 28th at 2:00pm Mayor Pam Triolo will unveil the Lake Worth Solar Energy Project located at 1200 Washington Avenue, Lake Worth, FL. The initial project developed 5 acres of an unused 63 acre landfill into a high capacity solar energy field.
The 2 megawatt (MW) solar plant is the first step in a long-term investment in solar that will make Lake Worth’s rates more competitive and position the City as a leader in renewable energy in Florida. While a few Florida cities, such as Jacksonville and Orlando, are buying solar power, Lake Worth is the state’s first municipality to own and operate a solar farm.
Lake Worth expects the initial 6,490 solar panels to generate about two percent of the City’s load – enough to power more than 230 homes per year and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than four million pounds. That’s the equivalent of taking 445 cars off the road. Under its contract with Siemens, the city has the ability to increase the solar farm’s capacity to as much as 10MW at the same location.
“In addition to helping the City achieve energy and financial savings, this project also marks a major commitment to diversifying our energy portfolio to include clean and renewable energy sources.” ~ City of Lake Worth Mayor, Pam Triolo
Please contact Ben Kerr, the City of Lake Worth Communications Specialist with any questions or comments.
Monday, February 20, 2017
Lt. Gen Herbert McMaster just named as National Security Adviser
President Donald Trump has named Lt Gen Herbert Raymond "HR" McMaster as the new national security adviser.
President Trump made the announcement at Mar-a-Lago. He said McMaster is "a man of tremendous talent and tremendous experience."
The Media can't destroy Trump
Rush Limbaugh weighed in on President Trump‘s tweet calling the media the “enemy” today, saying, “I think there’s something to it.”
Saudi Arabia praises Trump; warms up to Israel
Trump is already making inroads in the Middle East, a hot bed of insanity and brutality. Saudi Arabia says that Iran is the biggest threat to the Middle East and is warming up to Trump who believes the same thing. Saudi Arabia also says it wants to solve Arab/Israeli relations.
The problem is, Saudi Arabia will always be under Sharia law. We have a toxic relationship with them. They behead people and women have to be completely covered from head to toe. They have little regard for western culture or human rights in general. The Saudi government has always denied that it has any connection either with Islamic State or with Al Qaeda and we're supposed to believe it. They try to tell us that they are the good guys.
Obama destroyed much of our relations with the Saudis during his 8 years in office and openly questioned Saudi Arabia's value as an ally, accusing it of provoking sectarian conflict in the region. I, too, question it.
Read about it...
The problem is, Saudi Arabia will always be under Sharia law. We have a toxic relationship with them. They behead people and women have to be completely covered from head to toe. They have little regard for western culture or human rights in general. The Saudi government has always denied that it has any connection either with Islamic State or with Al Qaeda and we're supposed to believe it. They try to tell us that they are the good guys.
Obama destroyed much of our relations with the Saudis during his 8 years in office and openly questioned Saudi Arabia's value as an ally, accusing it of provoking sectarian conflict in the region. I, too, question it.
Read about it...
Donald Trump,
Saudi Arabia,
Sharia Law
Our Lake Worth Pool
There are still plenty of us in Lake Worth
Tuesday night the city will be talking, once again, about our it doesn't pay for itself. We've been hearing this ever since Mike Bornstein was hired. The city wants this amenity and our entire beach complex to be a commercial enterprise. They don't consider it an amenity. In fact, City Manager Bornstein considers it a "white elephant." It's all about dollars and cents and they spend little dollars and cents on repairs.
There will be a presentation by McAllister, a pool consultant, who says our pool should be closed. Of course, he also wants to be involved in anything the city might consider from his proposals. He has concluded that the following must be done to our pool:
Pool and Wading Pool Needs Cost Estimate
• Main drain sump boxes and 4” drain lines clearing and compliance to VGB $ 10,000
• Remove failing marcite coating and epoxy paint from both pools and re-marcite $ 150,000
• Discover and repair leak in main drain line in the wading pool and repair. $ 5,000
• Replace all lane line and trim ceramic tiles in both pools $ 12,000
• Cut channels in stress fractures fill with hydraulic cement and finish with marcite$ 3,000
• Pull up deck pavers every 5’ along the perimeter of the northeast sides of the 50-meter pool for the length of both 25-yard and 50-meter and sound check on original deck for voids from pool leak erosion. Discover voids and back fill voids and replace pavers as needed to finish. Allowance $ 20,000
Sub-Total $ 200,000
If the city wants to do everything McAllister recommends, it could be a price tag of $4,612,500.
SUMMARY: The Aquatic Facility Assessment presentation provides detailed information regarding necessary repairs and renovations needed for the safe operation of the municipal pool, pool bathhouse and pump room. Staff was directed at the August 8, 2016 Budget Workshop, to bring back a report on the pool for the Commission to review.
Just one slight problem with this Summary: There was no budget Workshop held on August 8 so that is probably just a typo. But there was one on August 9 and according to the Minutes from the August 9, 2016 Budget meeting, no one told the city manager to hire a consultant to do a report. My question would be, have any repairs been done in the last six months when the commission asked that it be brought back?
A major HATE group in the U.S.
The political left loves to slap labels on people and groups it hates.
The Southern Poverty Law Center needs to rip up its list and start anew and heading the list should be, you guessed it, them! Next, nothing would surprise me if they included the entire Republican Party or Christianity. They've already included Dr. Ben Carson for his belief that marriage is between a man and a woman.
And now, it's out with its new "anti-government hate group" list, and look who's prominently featured ...
Read about it...
The political left loves to slap labels on people and groups it hates.
The Southern Poverty Law Center needs to rip up its list and start anew and heading the list should be, you guessed it, them! Next, nothing would surprise me if they included the entire Republican Party or Christianity. They've already included Dr. Ben Carson for his belief that marriage is between a man and a woman.
And now, it's out with its new "anti-government hate group" list, and look who's prominently featured ...
Read about it...
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Candidate Maryann Polizzi Speaks to the People
Dear All,
As March 14th draws near the ugly part of politics has hit me. If you receive any material NOT FROM ME, or my campaign manager, Colby Mims, please do not believe that any part is true.
A little about me:
I love all people.
I don't have a cell in me that is racist. I love all races and ethnicities.
I don't talk about my opponents.
Nor, do I talk about anything else but my own goals for this city.
I am an open book. You ask me how I feel on certain issues and I will tell you.
I have put my heart and soul into this election. I love talking to people and solving problems for them.
With this being said, if any posts, blogs, personal pages say anything about me that DOESN'T come from me, PLEASE DON'T BELIEVE IT.
I have had so many people say things they overheard and luckily they came and asked me. Politics in Lake Worth isn't pretty. I will absolutely fight the fight with the utmost confidence and never back down. I won't tolerate people saying things that are not true. I have never spoken ill of any of my competitors, Herman and Ellie, nor have I spoken about anyone in District 2. I consider each a friend.
The nasty letter has me running with Omari and William. Not true and they are fabulous guys. Thank you to all, who took the time to read this. It's extremely important. Please share!! Thank you and have a wonderful night.
Maryann Polizzi
Political Advertisement paid for and approved by Maryann Polizzi for Lake Worth city commission district 4
As March 14th draws near the ugly part of politics has hit me. If you receive any material NOT FROM ME, or my campaign manager, Colby Mims, please do not believe that any part is true.
A little about me:
I love all people.
I don't have a cell in me that is racist. I love all races and ethnicities.
I don't talk about my opponents.
Nor, do I talk about anything else but my own goals for this city.
I am an open book. You ask me how I feel on certain issues and I will tell you.
I have put my heart and soul into this election. I love talking to people and solving problems for them.
With this being said, if any posts, blogs, personal pages say anything about me that DOESN'T come from me, PLEASE DON'T BELIEVE IT.
I have had so many people say things they overheard and luckily they came and asked me. Politics in Lake Worth isn't pretty. I will absolutely fight the fight with the utmost confidence and never back down. I won't tolerate people saying things that are not true. I have never spoken ill of any of my competitors, Herman and Ellie, nor have I spoken about anyone in District 2. I consider each a friend.
The nasty letter has me running with Omari and William. Not true and they are fabulous guys. Thank you to all, who took the time to read this. It's extremely important. Please share!! Thank you and have a wonderful night.
Maryann Polizzi
Political Advertisement paid for and approved by Maryann Polizzi for Lake Worth city commission district 4
Unhinged Tyrannical Left
The government employees at the EPA are so upset over Scott Pruitt becoming Donald Trump’s Director of the EPA that they are lobbying their Senators. This appears to be an organized violation of the Hatch Act that forbids such behavior. Add to that the leaks that continue to flow from within the government and you have sabotage, pure and simple. This all should warrant prosecution.
Read about it... from Allen West.
Donald Trump,
The "Oppressed" - Sleeping with the Enemy
This is a group you'd never expect to find common cause with Islamists infiltrating the West. Yet despite their almost polar-opposite views on things each holds essential, they're working hand-in-glove. So, what unites them?
They have a shared, deep hatred for President Trump in spite of their polar differences to the detriment of their own well being. I never knew women could be so stupid to fall for the ploy.
Read about the tools
This is a group you'd never expect to find common cause with Islamists infiltrating the West. Yet despite their almost polar-opposite views on things each holds essential, they're working hand-in-glove. So, what unites them?
They have a shared, deep hatred for President Trump in spite of their polar differences to the detriment of their own well being. I never knew women could be so stupid to fall for the ploy.
Read about the tools
Donald Trump,
Women's March
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Tree Festival today in Lake Worth
Lake Worth Arborist Dave McGrew and
Tree Board Chair Richard Stowe
As I live in a condo, I don't have a need for a tree so I headed straight for the goodies. Bought some date and honey bread baked by Kathleen from A Kookie Jar located in Loxahatchee. Having a piece right now topped with cream cheese--fab!
Bought some homemade mango preserves made from Lake Worth mangoes! All sorts of trees for sale today. You too can grow your own mango tree.
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