Monday, October 31, 2016

Trump in Greeley, Colorado


Anonymous said...

Landslide against the queen of corruption coming.

Anonymous said...

OMG, did you hear Mr Trump say in Albuquerque over the weekend that if Hillary is elected we could have "650 Million people pour in". I can't even fathom that, where Re all these 650 million immigrants coming from? Where are we gonna put them all? This is terrible, where is Mr Trump getting this HUGE number from?

Lynn Anderson said...

If you take all of Central and South America you are looking at 618 million right there. Then take some of the other countries around the world, such as in the Mid-East with 411 million--anything is conceivable.

The point was to show that open borders is wrong and would be a disaster for our country.

Anonymous said...

He said 650 million in like a week! Either he is purposefully exaggerating to his throngs of enamored fans to get them riled up or his supporters are just ignorant and naive to believe the way out there things he says. I do like that he's going to bring back waterboarding… But isn't that considered a war crime? I wonder how he'll do at the Hague?