Thursday, October 27, 2016

Message from Mike Pence

I remember what it was like being in the House minority with Nancy Pelosi as Speaker.

To be frank, it was an utter disaster . . . Obamacare was passed without being read . . . conservatives were targeted by the IRS . . . billions of dollars were blown on the failed stimulus bill . . . the list goes on and on.

Democrats want to return to those “glory” days. The fact is, they're more concerned with winning than doing what’s right for our country. Would you give them another chance to ruin our country?

President Obama and Nancy Pelosi have had every opportunity to fix our nation. But they've failed at every turn -- now it's our turn.

Election Day is in 12 days -- but the outcome of the election will be decided by the crucial October End-of-Month deadline.

If conservatives like you do your part, Republicans will be able to celebrate a great victory on Election Day.

An election of this magnitude only happens once in a generation.

Mike Pence

1 comment:

Walter said...

Vote Trump/Pence to make our country safe, and Rubio to keep Senate Republican so that Trump can further his agenda and make America great again.