Sunday, October 30, 2016

It's all about getting out the vote

I really have concluded that Democrats don't care whether or not their candidates are qualified. It's some sort of a game with them--Us against the's about winning. They don't care that their candidates are liars, do nothings or involved in pay to play. As long as they support the social agenda, they will vote for them and F**k the country.

More illegal aliens, more refugees, some of whom could be radical extremist Muslims, no border control, more taxes, more spending...just more and more and more of bad decisions.

Among Florida’s 11,446,540 registered voters: 40% Democrats. 36% Republicans. 20% No Party Affiliation (independents). 4% Minor Parties.


Anonymous said...

It's amazing how many people feel the same way about those who would vote for someone like Donald Trump. It's why we have elections. It's the beauty of America.

Hopefully, everyone respects the results.

Lynn Anderson said...

I won't respect the vote if Hillary wins. I'm not into lying crooked corrupt people.

Anonymous said...

I'm not talking about liking it. It's about respecting the American system of electing people to office. It's about respecting democracy. It's about loving this country for what she is.

Having said that, it's totally understandable why you would feel the way you do.