Saturday, October 29, 2016

Crooked Hillary and the Russian uranium deal

There are still people who support Hillary Clinton in spite of all the evidence that she is 1) inept and 2) corrupt and a crook. I have two cousins who live in Lake Worth who like Hillary with no good reason why other than they have always been Democrats and don't really take an interest in politics. JFK was great so yeah! Unfortunately, the Democratic Party is not the Party of yesteryear. These loyal Democrats today will be the ones who will sink with the Party because of its lack of ethics, dirty tricks and its socialistic agenda..

A Russian government sought federal government approval to purchase a Canadian company called Uranium One which controlled 20 percent of American uranium assets. This required the approval of several federal government agencies, because the deal involved a material (uranium) of national strategic importance.

Hillary Clinton’s State Department was one of those agencies which signed off on the deal. And she has the nerve to attempt to try and connect Trump to Putin when she is the ONLY one connected to him in any way.

Nine shareholders connected to Uranium One contributed a combined $145 million to the Clinton Foundation before or during the time the review took place. Some of those donations were not publicly disclosed at the time, as the Clintons promised they would. Source: Breitbart

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