Friday, April 1, 2016

Stop Atlanta Braves Mobile Unit arrived at 5pm

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Mobile unit finally arrived at John Prince Park. It will be active this weekend, on Monday and possibly Tuesday morning, bringing the message--STOP Atlanta Braves in John Prince Park.

Katie McGiveron, President of ROLO in photo.


Anonymous said...

So very cool that this was on the news and not blocked by the Maxwell minions. So much still left unsaid. But so very very powerful that in a city very totally committed to the pay to play culture, which seems just normal quid pro quo to the Inspector General, who even gives his stamp of approval to meetings in secret to sell public property to powerful interests; this was actually aired in our area! That in itself is a victory. Of course they backtracked as usual in the 5pm news, watched by more people and presented none other than our very own Scott Maxwell whose current prolific MO consists in huge campaign donations resulting in delivering public property to his millionaire and billionaire supporters. Unmentioned is a legal deed which will be mutilated by moneyed interests. And endangered species destroyed. And last but not least the taxpayers who are funding all this charity to billionaires--supposedly "for progress". How very wonderful that we all should appreciate destruction of our best assets by the "trio of moving forward" duly elected by outside money and voters registered by a quasi business address. If you do care at all Please write, call, go to the meeting on Tuesday, 2pm, 301 Olive Avenue. We will be ignored forever as legitimate voters unless we speak our loudly against crony corruption and profiteering by the newly very rich and powerful, aka the Development Dynasty taking over all public property in Lake Worth.

Anonymous said...

Wow Katie that's a big truck, I'm guessing an advertising rental, who's footing the bill? Need contributions?

Anonymous said...

Billboard blight!

Anonymous said...

So do you need drivers? I'm available. Is it going to be on a route around the county? or just here in LW?

Anonymous said...

The election is over. Get over it. I see both sides of the Baseball argument. I don't like GIVING our park to "billionaires" but think the noise and traffic going through ROLO is exaggerated.

"Development Dynasty" you're too funny.

Anonymous said...

Development Dynasty not funny at all. It's called Pay to Play and it's in full force for the next 2 years now. Deeded property for sale via our illustrious Commissioner, Scott Maxwell, who's typical MO is silence followed by deeded park property going to the richy rich who donate to his advancement and "moving forward." It took a bit long for his minions to even give a whimper about our opinions: maybe hitting a bit too close to home are we?? What's not to like with this scheme? Take and destroy public property all for free, and donate to the financier of your choice at the moment, be it HH, or "larger venues" with even bigger pockets. No long term planning here, no traffic studies, just Lake Worth for sale to the highest bidder. Of course the taxpayers will finance this and it will be buried in yet another version of the budget under another new director. And no, the traffic situation is not exaggerated. Congress is a slow moving road anyway, and you have Palm Beach State, JFK Medical Center, chopper trainees looming overhead, and I-95 and Costco just up the road; to name a few problems. Very funny that since Scottie boy seems just so tickled pink with this new scheme, he didn't want to mention it PRIOR to the election...
In the beautiful history of "Lake Worth, Jewel of the Gold Coast", Jonathan Koontz depicts masterfully why Lake Worth has always been of unique and strong character: it has survived with its own identity intact by preserving our historical neighborhoods and the cookie cutter urban sprawl from Miami to Jupiter was stopped by this beautiful expanse of preserved natural beauty. What a travesty that the gift of this great Commissioner John Prince to future generations as well as his legacy is now free to be trashed, the deed ignored, all so Scott Maxwell can profit from his baseball watching. This will last only until a better offer is made to the Braves. Then we will have destroyed 2 endangered species in our area, numerous heart trails and pavilions we have built and paid for, and we will be left with their left over blight which will extend into the surrounding areas. We are also destroying our main attraction which is the only small town charm SEASIDE vacation spot up and down this coast. How many people plan their entire choice of a vacation spot, or even a home, on having 7 or more spring training stadiums close to them?? Maybe one or two, but not the thousands who have come here for generations for Lake Worth.