Sunday, April 3, 2016

John Prince Park is NOT the place for the Atlanta Braves

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On Tuesday night, the Lake Worth city commission has a resolution No. 2016-14 on the agenda supporting the Atlanta Braves coming to John Prince Park. No where does it say who put this on the Agenda but you can guess. It's the commissioner who has no problem throwing an entire neighborhood under the bus--his neighborhood, the one he represents. In fact, he won't even talk to the president of the Residents of Lake Osborne Neighborhood Association. How dare anyone have a different opinion or want to protect her neighborhood.

Read the Resolution

This commission trio did the same thing when the Nationals and Astros wanted a big portion of our public county park. It didn't work for them then. Just because some billionaire ball club wants us to give them a part of our public park on the unproven possibility of economic prosperity for our city, does not make it so. What will be a reality is that 83 acres or so of our park will be bulldozed for private enterprise for a corporation worth $1.15 billion dollars and county tax payers will have to pick up the tab for the $110 million stadium.

Read Today's PB Post editorial wherein it states that it could be en economic boost to Lake Worth. Note the word could. There are no guarantees of anything other than destruction of our park. It also says that Palm Beach County commissioners would be smart to pause this week and take a few deep breaths before letting themselves get too carried away with their enthusiasm for landing the Atlanta Braves as a spring training team.


Anonymous said...

First of all you don't own this park and it is not part of our city. Many residents of this city and the business community support this project and the city commission represents all of us. If this baseball park is going to destroy your quality of life please explain to us how that is going to happen. This is baseball. This is not the destruction of a park to create a garbage dump. Baseball is played in parks. I really can't see how your neighborhood is going to be destroyed. Scott lives there. Why would he hurt his own neighborhood. Seems like you guys are against everything and need to get into the sign business so you can print new ones every month.

Anonymous said...

You guys voted these people back into office. You and the special interest they serve. Congratulations on voting back in ineptitude and greed.

Lynn Anderson said...

It is a county-wide park and adjacent to where we live 11:38.
We do not drink the Kool-aid. This NA board as well as Lake Osborne Estates are against a billion dollar corporation coming here directly across from where we live. there are a myriad of reasons. the Atlanta Braves can find another location in the county...maybe even buy the land instead of public charity.

Great idea...where do you live? Perhaps they could build right next to your house.

Anonymous said...

I won't be voting for the tax hike. These Commissioners are daring to piss away even more of our money as a gift to billionaires,ruing a public park on the way? No way ! Student pilots,hospitals and stadiums don't mix. How do Lake Worth Commissioner Scott Maxwell and Lake Worth city manager Mike Bornstein get away with going to dinner meetings with Braves executives and County Commissioners when fellow lake Worth commissioners find out about the whole thing by reading about it in the Post? Because of the Braves, two million dollars in long promised improvements to John Prince Park have been stopped.Go put the stadium in Bryant Park in Lake Worth. A brand new Hudson Holdings hotel. Golf and the beach all within five minutes of Lake Worth's struggling minuscule downtown would make much better financial sense to all involved.And just think, Triolo,Maxwell and Amoroso could finally say that they got rid of the homeless in Bryant Park!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness there is something new to fight!

Anonymous said...

11:38 what a selfish ass you are ! You don't know the difference between John Prince Park and a baseball stadium? Would you like to live in the shadow of a baseball stadium with the accompanying noise,traffic and light pollution? I chose to move and live next to a PARK !! Would the people east of Dixie like the Golf Course or Bryant Park to be destroyed for the stadium? I'm sure that the downtown businesses and Hudson Holdings would !That business model makes much more sense for Lake Worth and our businesses than out west of Lantana does ! And how is a baseball stadium west of Lake Worth going to help Lake Worth businesses? The traffic is going to be so backed up on Lantana road and 6th ave south that NO ONE is even going to think about getting off I-95 to get to our Dixie and downtown businesses ! This idea is going to HURT or Lake Worth businesses! But maybe that's the plan. When our downtown dies, Hudson Holdings can come in ,buy it up ,and put Lucerne condo clones all up and down Lake and Lucerne avenues. Think of the tax revenues ! You're right- Commissioner Scott Maxwell is supposed to be representing ALL of us,even the over 1,000 homes in the ROLO neighborhood. Maybe it''s time we go back to district by district voting.The only one that Scott Maxwell is representing now is that disgraced ex-congressman Mark Foley ,who lobbies for the ball teams. Foley got major bucks to Maxwell's re- election campaign. And that gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "bend over for me, Maxwell".

Anonymous said...

Just pray that you or a family member is not in an ambulance trying to get to the hospital when there is a game on. If it is life threatening you are DOA. The two major roads that would be involved are Lantana Road and Congress Avenue. There is no other way to the hospital. This is just another of Scottie's selfish moves. Remember folks it is all about Scottie in this town and in your district. Also our police force and our firemen are already over worked with the crime in Lake Worth. They should not be too happy about this stadium either.

Anonymous said...

re "Scott lives there why would he hurt his own neighborhood?" Scott has done NOTHING for our neighborhood. I heard this over and over again going door to door before the election. He never answers calls. Left a derelict, practically pleading to be a crack house, mess right down the street from him with no action for years. It's not much of a secret that Scott will do anything for money. Selling us out for outside interests is signature Maxwell. As is secret meetings. Why do you think you heard nothing about this BEFORE THE ELECTION?? If it was a good thing for us, why wouldn't he mention it then?? He and Bornstein like to wheel and deal in the dark and could really care less about the people who live here.

Anonymous said...

Palm Beach Post will print anything the developers tell them to. They are a paid advertisement.

Anonymous said...

Oooops, I take that back. This was actually a thoughtful article and not just another development ad. Kudos!

Anonymous said...

Hey 11;38: As for the residents supporting this ballpark scheme. Only those loyal followers of Saint Scott support this. As for the business community supporting this scheme, only those that support things that do not benefit the residents and sometimes even actively go against resident's wishes and votes is the same business community that chooses NOT to live in Lake Worth. And as for all of those sober homes(businesses????) the trio took campaign money from an attorney that helped get them in Lake Worth. That really benefited the residents, oh yeah. Just increased our Crime rate. Thank you Pam, Scott, and Andy for being such up front people "NOT". You three will continue to lie and scheme to benefit yourselves. We only hope that some day you will reap what you have sowed.

Anonymous said...

To 2:38pm - The police department and the fire department were unaware of this plan before they supported the trio. They are not happy about this turn of events either.

Anonymous said...

My family and many of my friends have been coming here for years and camping 2 to 3 weeks at John Prince Park. They love the quietness, the back to nature feel of it and enjoyed making new life time friends. When I told them of this plan they were very upset and are now looking for another place to go. Way to go Scott. While we are building this eye sore and disrupting the wildlife and peacefulness of this park you are turning away families that can have an affordable vacation. Not only that with all the lights they won't even be able to enjoy the stars at night, one of the only places in Lake Worth that you can actually enjoy the night sky. You are one selfish self centered bastard.

Anonymous said...

Just read Wes Blackman's Blog. Oh dear, it seems that he didn't like the article in the post this weekend. Oh, that's right it wasn't written by his and the trios very biased reporter. Sorry Wes, there are other views that need to be reported in a non biased manner. Didn't like the fact that other people are telling them to step back and think about the ballpark. BooHoo!!!

Anonymous said...

Put aside all of these important issues, why in the world would anyone want their hard earned tax dollars, $200 million or so, going to enrich an already super rich ball club owners. This proposal is corporate welfare, stadium deals never work out for tax-payers, ever.

Anonymous said...

This proposed site is along Congress and closer to Lantana Rd as I understand it, so that is District 1 PBSO Police dept and the for station is on Lantna Rd at the airport - so the LW PBSO and fire station will still tend to our needs.

As far as I'm concerned, but rather have ballfields there then the homeless encampment that are hiding in the woods. And speaking about the campground, I've camped there many times, and I'd much rather have the ballfield being used six weeks a year by major leaguers who rarely have night games during spring training than the wandering vagrants who slip around the fence and enter the camp ground.

I've seen many visiting sports fans at far flung restaurants in Jupiter… like Guanabanas, like hog snappers, like Jetty'slike, Nick's Tomato Pie and on PGA Capital Grill, Three Forks, Christopher's Carmine's and along Norhkake like Friggets, Hobo's, at stores all over. The sports fans are on vacation and they come to play golf, tennis, eat, be entertained and go to the beach as well as see their favorite teams play.

I love closer to this opportunity than the ROLO people and I say bring it on!

Anonymous said...

To 2:11. You are a total idiot. You can't see the nose on your face let alone make a sensible statement. Furthermore your grammatical errors are ridiculous for a grown man. (You are a man aren't you) Why don't YOU move to Jupiter. I will let my family know what Lake Worth power people feel about them. I am sure they will be very pleased. NOT SELFISH, SELFISH, SELFISH LITTLE MINIONS.

Anonymous said...

Do you know that Dave's Last Resort is sending all its VIP card customers an email to attend the County Comm meeting to support baseball? I told them to unsubscribe me and that I was ashamed of them doing this and that I doubted I would ever eat in their restaurant again, they are really bad, big business that wants this, I wonder how much Dave gave Scott for the campaign? Very sleazy of them. This is what they sent:

The Atlanta Braves are interested in returning to Palm Beach County and you can help. Attend the county commission meeting Tuesday at 1 pm or write you county commissioner to support their move to John Prince Park."

Lynn Anderson said...

Scott Maxwell plays to win and calls in all his cards just like this last election. He spends a lot of money at Dave's...they owe him. Pay to Play?

Anonymous said...

I also received the email from Dave's, not really a VIP list just a list for specials, discounts, events, etc. Not surprised that the downtown businesses would want this kind of development.