Saturday, April 2, 2016

Channel 5's presentation on baseball at John Prince Park

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Click here... to view the video from Channel 5 that aired last evening regarding the possibility of the Atlanta Braves coming to our county public park, being pushed by county and local officials.

Commissioner Scott Maxwell said: "Obviously they don't have to spend as much time traveling.  Obviously they have a finite amount of time between late February and April 1st and second to get their work in."

Katie McGiveron, president of the Residences of Lake Osborne Neighborhood Association representing 1,000 residences was also featured. She said, "We depend on our county commissioners to defend our living spaces, our rights, and hopefully they do just that"


Anonymous said...

That was Scott Maxwell's comment? Very intelligent and convincing as to why we should accept Atlanta braves.

Anonymous said...

Maxwell should be representing his residents. Not the guys funneling money to him.Maxwell thinks it's OK to work behind the scenes using city employees like the city manager and the city attorney to do his very private bidding.Do Mike Bornstein and Glenn Torcivia work for Maxwell? No. Do they work for amazingly not charged with any sex crimes disgraced ex-Congressman Mark Foley ? No. They work for us, we the people. The same people that Scott Maxwell is crapping all over.

Anonymous said...

What's obvious Mr. Maxwell is your disdain for your own neighborhood and this beautiful county park. I knew there was something about Republicans that I didn't like.

Lynn Anderson said...

LOL 5:57--there are plenty of Democrats who would love to ruin our park...Shelley Vana comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

Didn't realize she's a Dem, how embarrassing. Tool bags in both parties, but she has hit a new low.