Monday, March 14, 2016

Scott Maxwell always said, "Connect the Dots"

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Yesterday, Scott Maxwell had a call go out to registered voters in Lake Worth on his behalf by Marie Horenburger telling folks why Scott is so wonderful and to vote for him on Tuesday. Ms. Horenburger lives in Boynton Beach. How does she know if Maxwell has done a good job or not? He told her? She drank his Kool-Aid?

TALLAHASSEE -- A blast from a few years ago--Former Delray Beach city commissioner Marie Horenburger, who spent her last year in office on a commission embroiled in controversy, stepped into a different frying pan on Friday. Horenburger attended her first legislative committee meeting as a lobbyist for Palm Beach County -- an early-morning session where members of two House committees grilled embattled Transportation Secretary Kaye Henderson. Read more...

Marie was also a registered lobbyist for The Morganti Group in 2012. In 2012, Morganti was building our Lake Worth Casino. The city has been in a big stall in filing a law suit for three years now for what they say is faulty work and now it turns out Scott has a big connection to shhhh...a lobbyist who represented Morganti.

She was also a registered lobbyist for Waste Management, a company that gave Scott Maxwell a $1,000 campaign contribution and one of their subsidiaries, Harris Sanitation, gave him another $1,000. Pam Triolo also got $1,000. He even took a campaign contribution from Hector Samario of Siemens in the amount of $500. The convicted felon gave him $500. Not only did Benny's on the Beach give him $1,000, so did the owner of Benny's at $500.

Click see what the Morganti lobbyist was up to.

You have to ask yourself why is so much money being poured into a little city election? It is impossible to connect the dots--you would need the FBI to do it. Why all the ugly hit pieces from PACs so that their names don't appear as being sent out by them. Honesty is illusive. They are still operating in the dark, so much so that you need your Raid can handy. We have witnessed their disrespect to fellow commissioners, the public and democracy itself. We got them figured out; we have connected enough of the dots.



Anonymous said...

Maxwell had someone making calls for him who ALSO represented the builder who wrecked the casino building? And this all happened on his watch?! This is unBELIEVABLE! This should be reported to the Post. The whole thing stinks like rotten eggs. It goes on and on and on. I'm just one voter, but hope many people will join with me to vote them out of office.

Anonymous said...

When the incumbents couldn't find any dirt on Diane or Frank they had to resort to making up things. None of the things they have said about the 2 people are true. This just "goes to show ya" what kind of people the amoral incumbents are. You would think from their campaign that they are so clean they squeak. Not a chance. They are the most corrupt people we have even had in office in Lake Worth. They have already called the residents of Lake Worth Liars and despicable people. Is this really what you want to keep in office. They are destroying Lake Worth quickly with their grandiose plans that will take away our public beach and make it private, destroy the Gulfstream hotel (a landmark in Lake Worth) and put up ugly buildings that will get rid of out small town feeling. Why to you think people come to Lake Worth. If they wanted the expensive Palm Beach feel they would go their. We are a affordable city to visit.
That does not even address the crime we have in this city. When we rate 3 out of 100 as the safest city (100 being the safest) that should tell you where are focus should be. Pothole hell is another problem that needs to be addresses. The incumbents rapidly went out and started filling pot holes, a bandaide approach, as we all know that putting a little bit of asphalt into a hole is not going to solve the problem as it is just going to pop out and bingo the pot hole reappears.
If you want a city you can be proud of you need to vote these money hungry, pro-developers, amoral people out of office. They do not want to work with the people of Lake Worth or with the fellow commissioners to make this city what we want it to be. A safe and beautiful city we can be proud of. No one shops downtown anymore or unless you have lots of money, eats downtown.

Anonymous said...

Not that I condone Ryan's way of protesting but I can definitely see what pushed him over his limit. People and governments like we have running our city. The 2 people who really care about Lake Worth are McVoy and Maier and if the incumbents get back in they will run a smear campaign to get rid of these 2 so that they can have a Super Pac and run the city they way they want to and not the way we want it ran. I am signing this comment as anon because I do not want to be subjected to hate letters or the name calling that these incumbents have stooped to.

Anonymous said...

I want to address the crime issue in this city. Recently I have had to call the police because I was having a serious problem with a neighbor who was threatening me with bodily harm. When the officer came he accused me of starting the problem and took the part of the neighbor. When our HOA president tried to explain to him that this person who was threatening me has been a problem in the development for several months and has also stolen things from peoples homes she was told to butt out and go home. He started screaming and yelling at me and the HOA president and when asked calmly why he was yelling he stated that it was none of our business. Nothing was done with the person who threatened me. Do you wonder why crime has risen in this city. I am not saying that all of the police are this way as I have met many who are great and really care about the safety of our people. By the way I should mention I am a senior citizen who loves my community and wants to see it as a safe place to live.

Anonymous said...

You need to call his commander or internal affairs and make a complaint. Deputies need to be made accountable like the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe this. I just received my electric bill and it is half of what I usually pay. Looking back it has gone down the past 2 months. I have used the same amount of electric as I have used in the past and now all of a sudden my bills are a lot lower. This leads me to believe that this is a scam to support Maxwells claim that electric bills are are lower now. I expect them to go back up next month after the election. I want to know where the money came from to lower my electric bill. Who fed the kitty?

Anonymous said...

Tell the PALM BEACH POST? It won't do any good, Thompson the reporter is in with the triplets. He isn't a reporter, he doesn't care about the people in Lake Worth, he sides with them all the time. They really never had a great reporter from the Post. The Post endorsed the three,
so they can play int the "sunshine" together as they've been doing
all the time.