Monday, April 2, 2012

The Fig Leaf

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The European Union will launch a program this week allowing citizens to propose legislation as long as they can get a million signatures on a petition, a democratic drive that some opponents have labeled a "fig leaf."

Under the scheme, which started yesterday and is dubbed the European citizens' initiative, the EU will be obliged to consider legislative proposals that have sufficient signatures and support in at least seven of the union's 27 member states. At a time of growing discontent over the direction of the European Union, and especially about rules that euro skeptics in countries such as Britain regard as endless Brussels-meddling, the Commission is at pains to keep integration alive.

Read more.


Anonymous said...

You know Obama's not going to get impeached so that's just a stupid thing to post on your blog.
If you Republicans want Obama voted out in November, don't you think you should have better candidates than Romney, Newt and Santorum?
Why don't you start a grass roots campaign for Allen West to run? He demonstrates all the Conservative Republican traits that you admire so much. He would fit in well with the rest of the Republican clowns that are running so all you have to do is add in the "shoot first ask questions later" style of West/George Zimmerman and the circus is complete.
WEST IN 2012. Because I want to see a Republican get less support than Newt Gingrich, another Conservative icon.

Lynn Anderson said...

Allen West has been a congressman for a very short time. We need him in congress. He is not one of the "clowns" that put us in a precarious situation by raising the debt ceiling to a figure that is unheard of in the history of the world and unsustainable.
As far as the Republican candidates are concerned, I am a Santorum fan. Anyone is better than Obama and socialism.