Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Lake Worth Player of the Year

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“Ridicule Is Man’s Most Potent Weapon. ... The Threat Is Generally More Terrifying Than The Thing Itself." ~ Saul Alinsky

The above was Alinsky's ninth rule from his 1971 book, "Rules for Radicals." Alinsky died in 1972 and began his career as a community organizer in Chicago. Hello... Obama. I bought the book last year written by the super left-winger. There are points to learn in this book, not just for anarchists, but right-wing conservatives as well. Afterall, to win at a game, you need to understand the tactics of the enemy and be able to counter those same tactics. In Maxwell's case, anyone who does not think like he does, is the enemy.

Alinsky's lesson is not to be taken lightly. Ridicule, or the threat of ridicule, can be even more intimidating than the threat of physical violence or loss of livelihood. It is another form of bullying and this happens frequently from a few involved in the politics in our city. It is done to quiet the opponent from making a sensible point that differs from yours and to bring about change that you want. It can also be humorous and witty and the top wit here in Lake Worth is the Vice Mayor, hands down. At times he is not just witty but down right (rhyme it with witty).

As Alinksy said, such tactics aren't just cute; they can be useful in driving your opponent(s) up the wall. Very often the most ridiculous tactic can prove the most effective."

Scott Maxwell is the commissioner on the dais who, without even realizing it, excels at Rules for Radicals. He is the anarchist there. He is not a left-winger and admits to being a conservative--loves his country first and foremost and has convinced himself that he is selfless in that regard. He has definitely learned how to play the political game. White is black and black is white depending upon the moment.

He often makes his points with one line zingers that carry a big sting and his constant hammering on points have resulted in big change in Lake Worth, i.e., the city manager, Zoning in Progress, the Planning & Zoning board and now a Citizens Utility Advisory Board. He is a master at twisting what's right and wrong on issues. He understands Alinsky when the writer says, "One's concerns with the ethics of means and ends varies inversely with ones personal interest in the issue." He has learned the thirteenth rule: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. He has converted some ardent followers who use these tactics during public commentary or who hit hard on this blog.

Last night he used all the Alinsky tactics and then some. He is, without a doubt, the Lake Worth Player of the Year.

"If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through to its counterside." Reading this book is a must for all those who enjoy the political game and want to win the point. Maxwell doesn't have to read it. It all comes naturally.


Anonymous said...

How come you never complained when Jennings, Golden & Mulvehill were using the same tactics? They are basically the group that made it unacceptable to be financially successful in Lake Worth, attacking and ridiculing decent hardworking people until specific jobs were unacceptable.

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, all I can say is, I have spoken on the facts when it comes to all of these people. Where ever have you been? Your entire statement is blatantly UNTRUE. It is stuff like you just wrote that hurts LW and hurts honest, decent folks.

Anonymous said...

The hypocrisy is the real issue when it comes to this newly elected body and the people falling for their act.

Anonymous said...

The attitude here seems to be similar to what you are accusing Mr. Maxwell of - I am right and all the rest of you are wrong. The comments that get posted on this blog are filtered. If you don't agree with the author, then your comment will most likely never see the light of publication. At least most other bloggers are open to all opinions and don't censor the responses to their commentary.


Lynn Anderson said...

Just like the present P&Z board that makes decisions to the best of their ability through our Code and expect those who appear before them to follow those rules, I do NOT publish personal attacks or lies--check MY rules.

Anonymous said...

"I do NOT publich oersonal attacks or lies - check MY rules." Pretty much says it all.... my way or else.

Anonymous said...

This is opinion not an elected commissioner sounding off in contemptuous ways. In a public meeting, it really is reprehensible conduct by them and the public. Shut the hell up Mr. Tim.

Lynn Anderson said...

anonymous...can you please grow taller? This is my blog. I make the rules. I do not represent 37,000 people as does Scott Maxwell, Pam Triolo or Mr. I Second Amoroso. They need to raise the bar here and make decisions based on the welfare of all the residents. I haven't especially seen that. As said above, this is opinion. When I do speak in public, I am not disrespectful--some of them ARE.

Anonymous said...

This is a very sad situation. Months of work on the ZIP down the drain . WHY? We are going backwards by appointing a citizens utility board. This is just another layer of political B.S.,corruption, and political favors. This was tried in the past and failed miserably.And where in the hell is our electrical AUDIT that you all ran on,PAM,ANDY AND SCOTT?Katie Mcgiveron

Anonymous said...

First poster I listen to the meetings but you lost me, what do you mean: How did Jennings, Golden & Mulvehill make it unacceptable to be financially successful in Lake Worth, and how were they attacking and ridiculing decent hardworking people? And what does this mean - until specific jobs were unacceptable? Please explain.