Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sheriff Captain speaks at Neighborhood Meeting

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Cpt. Rolando Silva

At Tuesday night's ROLOH meeting, a resident mentioned a helicopter that was flying over her residence in the middle of the night. She was not complaining but wondering what is going on when the Sheriff uses a helicopter. Cpt. Silva said that the helicopters are used to catch felons. He further stated that this was a service that Lake Worth Police always had with the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office but rarely used. (The helicopter service is just one that is available and paid for on our ad valorem tax bill).

Getting the Cadillac of public safety service with PBSO, Cpt. Silva said that crime has been reduced overall in PB County as well as in Lake Worth. He didn't give a reason for crime reduction but the implied suggestion was that it was due to the PBSO. The Sheriff's Department does a remarkable public relations job in this community. He further stated:

"These are the same men you had before just different uniforms....procedures have changed."

We knew that.


kkss21 said...

We in the Lake Osborne neighborhood are very thankful for the traffic control efforts on the corner of 6th and Sunset.As Capt. Silva stated, management is everything. We have the same men and women in different uniforms.The old Lake Worth police dept didn't know that lake Worth went west of I-95.

Anonymous said...

Stanton says that we can't afford these expensive services. What can she do? Are there options?

Anonymous said...

Don't let anyone kid you. We have plenty of crime in Lake Worth. If it has been reduced, then they are not catching criminals.

Anonymous said...

The PBSO is much better at managing problem and crime int he city, things are better, but not perfect by any means, we still have a lot of prostitutes, drug dealers, and the illegals are still drunk all over reeking havoc on our neighborhoods. The PBSO should and could work better with codes and the city to put an end to blight and code violations and all the overcrowding, these are still major problems here and are still overlooked. The PBSO needs some manned substations west and south of the police station and crack down on some of the chaos and lawlessness that is happening. At least Cpt. Silva is open and trying, it is a little better than Smith and White under LWPD, they shut people down and did very little and were not effective, it would be nice to see Silva out walking the beat himself on the west side and south to really clean things up better. They need to use that Guatemalan man that works for the PBSO under a grant to better help to educate the immigrants, to stop riding bikes on sidewalks and going about drunk all over, this public intoxication needs to be addressed better here in this city. We have a great city here and a lot to be proud of, we just need to work at ridding it of some of this lawlessness and public intoxication, drugs, prostitution , most related to the illegals and their needs.

Lynn Anderson said...

As Cpt. Silva said, "same men but different management." With the right management, a city police department would be able to do the same things.

Anonymous said...

Guys, From God's Ears to your Hearts! They are making a deference in this Crime of a city and I will support PBSO D14 with my heart and soul...I work with these people every day and understand what they have to deal with on a daily basis. I CHALLENGE You all to go out or talk to and for God's Sake LISTEN to the Deputies and TRY and comprehend what they have to deal with on a daily basis.....ALSO if you don't realize what PBSO brings in resources then you are just blind or refuse to accept the facts. Yes I'm being MEAN at this point as I have traveled the streets of Lake Worth, I have seen the MEAN that this city can produce and ALL of you should respect what PBSO D14 team does for you!!! Take them away??? you will loose all the resources that comes with having them. Lets give this town back to Gangs as your City Leaders can NOT take them out ONLY YOU as a citizen can be a partner with PBSO to actually make a difference.....Honestly people get a clue!

Robert Waples
Community Advocate

Lynn Anderson said...

I believe that we ALL do have a clue. As Cpt. Silva said, and I repeat, same men, different uniforms. We will not lose all the resources. As Cpt. Silva indicated, we had use of the helicopter before. You do know that you pay for special services and use of their resources on your County Tax bill already, right?

No one has ever said that they are not doing a good or better job. All we want to be able to do is AFFORD the service. How much should we be paying for public safety? 40%, 50%, 75%? What do you think we can afford?