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* Obama's stimulus, passed in his first month in office, will cost more than the entire Iraq War -- more than $100 billion (15%) more.
Conservative Commentary/Opinion on Local, State & National issues. Hours 6am to 7pm to respond to comments
* Just the first two years of Obama's stimulus cost more than the entire cost of the Iraq War under President Bush, or six years of that war.
* Iraq War spending accounted for just 3.2% of all federal spending while it lasted.
* Iraq War spending was not even one quarter of what we spent on Medicare in the same time frame.
* Iraq War spending was not even 15% of the total deficit spending in that time frame. The cumulative deficit, 2003-2010, would have been four-point-something trillion dollars with or without the Iraq War.
* The Iraq War accounts for less than 8% of the federal debt held by the public at the end of 2010 ($9.031 trillion).
* During Bush's Iraq years, 2003-2008, the federal government spent more on education that it did on the Iraq War. (State and local governments spent about ten times more.)
1 comment:
This is just crazy, Years 2009 and 2010 are so bad, one big thing we keep doing is giving all this free welfare, WIC, Food Stamps, free school lunches medical for illegals and low income, and SS disability, we keep enabling Americans, giving them everything for free, who wants to work any more? You can just get all for free. Our country has gone to the dogs. Our leadership just keeps spending as if money grows on trees. The big crash is coming very soon, and it will be a lot worst than the first in the 1930's, the great depression may have been bad, what is coming is going to be so much worse. Keep allowing all these illegal immigrants here getting all these free bees.
What is ironic is that just watch all the kids being picked up at Highland Elem. School being picked up in 40k SUVS but all their kids are getting free lunch and their parents get all these freebees, yet do not pay a dine of taxes into this country. How long can we sustain all of this?
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