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We have talked about the City of Lake Worth moving the tax for fire protection from our property tax bill where the amount is assessed from the value of the property to the non-ad-valorem section where every resident pays the same fee. Loretta Sharpe likes this idea. She lost her election as I recall.
Our Mayor said that some of us don't pay or pay little taxes and suggested that this is not fair--that we all should be paying for this service...paying the exact same fee. Does he sound like a Democrat to you? Poor people, people living at poverty or below should be paying the same fee as the guy living on the Intra-Coastal Waterway in a million dollar house. Even Commissioner Maxwell suggested that perhaps people move into low cost housing to get around paying taxes. Now that is a "far out" assumption to justify circumventing our millage. Trust me. If I had the money, I would be living on the ocean.
Dominic Calabro, president of Florida Taxwatch, has a different view and calls this a "tax grab" that will allow Lake Worth to go around the property tax cap. You remember that they did this last year with the storm-water charge.
Instead of finding ways to reduce waste and reducing Union benefits and salaries, knocking off all the travel, membership fees like Becky Mattey's membership of over $33,000 a year to FEMA, buying expensive items and waiving bids, and oh, let's not forget, a ribbon cutting event at the Lake Worth Casino, the City wants to, once again, stick it to the taxpayer. Now the City is looking for ways to raise fees on just about everything in the City.
The final straw will be when we get taxed on the air that we breathe.
1 comment:
On what I consider an important consideration in Lake Worth, generated zero comments. Wayne Huzienga, however, and where he is building his boatyard, got plenty. No one cared that he filed a $10 mil suit against the people of Riviera Beach. Just goes to show you that most people could care less about how government screws the taxpayer and how they love developers.
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